Friday, August 30, 2013

RED ALERT: War Within 72 Hours..By Gregory Mannarino

impeachment trap. i hope he doesn't do it, but if he does then he has fallen into the impeachment trap. bye bye obomba, enjoy your peace prize after getting impeached for starting an illegal war. oh the irony.
Assad? Of course he is a dictator, but there is zero evidence that he was behind the chemical attacks. He has been winning his civil war, so why would he use chemical weapons against defenseless civilians, the very day UN inspectors show up? Come on! This has false flag all over it!


  1. Remember remember remember ... Only world war 3 can save USA from economy disaster

  2. I've lost track of the number of illegal wars started by America. There has been no impeachment and there will be no impeachment if we hit Syria. To think so is naive. We live in a culture of corruption. Politicians can kill as many as they want but if we sneeze the wrong way, we'll end up in prison

    Apathy kills and it may end up killing all of us because we let all this happen.

    It's on us.
