Thursday, August 8, 2013

Glenn Beck Explodes! Total Chaos Coming! Lynchings in Street of America! Like You've NEVER Seen!

8/8/13 - Glenn Beck unleashes a furious tirade over the state of the world and warns that wholesale
chaos is looming, where we will see lynchings in the streets of America.
Despite his political affiliation and various opinions, GB is speaking truth here. Look around you,  We don't need political Pez dispensers to tell us that there is a storm front moving in for years now and it's about to start raining. Take information from whatever source it is. Truth doesn't know a color or religion. Truth is what it is. Try and look past the source of it and take the knowledge to make use of.


  1. "I dare you to name anyone that has been more accurate than me!" Oh, that's easy-Alex Jones, Doug and Joe Hagmann,Gerald Celente, Hawk,Steve Quayle, etc, etc.... Shall I go on?!

    1. ..Peter Schiff, Tom Woods, Vision Victory..the list is long.
      We were discussing these issues BEFORE Glenn Beck. Don't forget that Beck's positions are very Neo-Con like. He started to claim libertarian views in the past year, but he is FAR from understanding the NAP, sound money and agorism.

  2. Tripple Facepalm.. I cant even listen to this guy makes me wany to kill myself

  3. You are right and have been right about everything!! I have watched you since Fox and have seen the things happening as you said they would!!
    GOD bless you Glenn and THANK YOU!!!!!


  4. WOW! Unplug for a bit Glenn. Switch to decaf as well.

  5. Its the Golden Rule those who have will rule. They have all the money they can print now their going for the Gold reason they beat the price down cause they can

  6. I am a communist and yes, Glenn is right. We want everyone to come to our way of thinking. Racism plays a nice little part along with your political views and separates you even more from each other. Don't you see that we need to make these decisions for you. It is the only right way for things to work. Your American dream is a thing of the past, get over that and prepare for the inevitable. The global reset of currencies is coming and your buying power with your dollar is going to suffer.

  7. That's something he suffers from ,called racism. tell me one friend he has that is not a different race or color. He sure looks not happy even with all that money which can at times make you a slave and unspirtual. I suggest for him since he has the means to start travelling the world, and maybe that will change his perspective on things and not dwell on collapse and war, even though he is probably right.


    Flesh and blood, that is all we are, so perishable, fragile, short lived, and prone to diseases without number. An unseen organism can wipe out millions of us, and have done so over millenia in all parts of the world, and still do today in this time of 'wonder' medications.

    To match our own vulnerability, and fragility, and limitations, we have built a system that reflects our own make-up.

    The Financial system is built on paper, the Political system is built on corruption, and the oldest of them all, the Religious system, is built on confusion and hypocrisy, as history bears witness to. They are ALL in decline, yet that smugness of man as he looks down from his Paper, or Political, or Religious Cathedrals that dominate the capitals of this global system, gives man some kind of arrogance that befits the delusional mind of a King Canute class of rulers, that they are impregnable as they look down from their ivory towers, looking down like Gods upon the masses below.

    They have forgotten on what basis their towers are built; paper, corruption, hypocrisy, a foundation that WILL and IS collapsing for all to see.

    A system that operates through a gossamer thread of power. A gossamer thread that is its power supply, so easily cut, like all else that is this system. That narrow pipeline that is our water supply, so easily broken leaving us all no better off than our ancestors living in caves.

    That, is this fragile system.

    The delusional rulers continue in their warped mindset that they can continue to control the ever growing heaving disgruntled masses with their modern technology of surveillance, and modern security systems, that, like their ivory towers, will give them some sort of impregnability from the masses. They do not consider that at a stroke, all power is gone, and so is their security, and like King Canute, that heaving sea of of disgruntled humankind will drown them in their fury.
