Saturday, August 10, 2013

Economic Collapse ~ The Worse is Yet to Come

I've predicted disaster for the U.S. economy since the day of Obama's election in 2008. I've got it all memorialized, in writing, in two books and hundreds of commentaries. In Time magazine I called Obama "the greatest jobs killer in world history." In my latest national bestseller, "The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide" I've listed hundreds of statistics proving that the U.S. economy is headed for a total collapse. But that was all written months ago. The worst was yet to come.

The results are in. The picture is grim. Here are some frightening economic numbers to think about the next time the lying, manipulating, mainstream media tells you that we are in "recovery."


  1. Who is this guy telling us "I told you so?!" Seriously, Celente, Quayle, Hawk, Marc Faber, Ann Barnhardt, etc... have been telling us the same story, and with much more PANACHE than this man!

  2. Peter Schiff told is so before the housing crisis, and is still telling us so.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wayne Allyn Root, Obama's Columbia U Classmate Speaks Out - The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show
