Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Great Recession and the Failure of Capitalism with Paul Mattick

 Capitalism is the historic evolution of PRIVATE PROPERTY RELATIONSHIP of ALIENATION, EXPLOITATION and SUFFERING of humanity in a modality of COMMODITY PRODUCTION FOR PROFIT . A politically manipulated MARKET SYSTEM of artificial scarcity and manipulation, perpetuating the conditions of servitude and bondage of the WORKING CLASS in the interest of the OWNING/RULING CLASS. The WAGE SLAVERY OF IMMENSE HUMANITY in a monetary web of control,exploitation and deception is the template of the Tyranny of Capitalism no matter whether its Corporate dominated or State dictated .We need to create a Majority Democratic movement of no Leaders no Followers UNITY for a WORLD OF COOPERATION FOR OUR COMMON NEEDS AND WELL BEING in harmony within and without. A moneyless, classless, stateless communities of humanity expressing multitude of creative energies in freedom of BEING. We have all the means for a world of plenty in harmony. Capitalism is organized suffering

 The Great Recession and the Failure of Capitalism, Paul Mattick,Professor of Philosophy, Adelphi University, New York, Part of the 2011 Ethics Awareness Week from the Center For the Study of Ethics.

1 comment:

  1. With great recession at hand, it is wise to search for an income protection quote that can be suitable to our needs in case the economy worsens.
