Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Financial Armageddon : The Fall of America & the Western World - David Mcalvany

It's 2009 and millions of people have lost their jobs and homes while hundreds of banks have failed and Wall Street is reeling. Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come. Continuing from Part One, this DVD goes into greater detail on the many complicated financial catastrophes that have the world's economies in critical condition. In easy-to-understand language, renowned economist David McAvlany explains the Four Financial Storms that are about to strike the U.S. and the other world economies; storms that will be impossible to stop but if we prepare now, possible to weather and prevail. Are you going to be caught with your pants down as we head into greater inflation, hyper-inflation, national bankruptcy, a more severe credit crisis, the death of the dollar and, ultimately, the complete collapse of federal and state governments?

Do not be fooled by what you are being told. The current economic crisis is not getting better and our leaders' solutions of throwing bad money after bad money are bound to fail. Are you prepared to survive a total collapse? Don't be a victim -- get smart and get prepared.

You will also receive invaluable survival tips on how to act now to protect you and your family from personal economic devastation. Learn how to diversify your portfolio, buy metals, invest internationally, get out of debt, get liquid, and get smart -- before it is too late.

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