Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Final Prophecies : A New world Currency

Another Bible prophecy being fulfilled . Revelation prophesies of a time when there will be a one world economic system. Wake up and smell the coinage, the end-time is now! 30 years ago if you told people in Europe they would belong to a continental Union ran by bankers Nobody would have believed it. The globalist are already calling for world currency and global committee government. The US is in over its head in debt consolidation or war are on the horizon. The banks are bankrupting nation

The Final Prophecies asks the question; "how can we know that Last-Days Biblical prophecy is really real"? The answer will take you through a journey from the ancient past to examine the origin of the records themselves and lead you throughout the last four thousand years of human history to modern day events. Discover shocking evidence from the past that provide overwhelming evidence that the prophetic events of the past were in fact prediction and came to pass with shocking accuracy. If the Biblical events and prophecies of the past came true, then could the prophecies remaining t be fulfilled also come to pass? This frightening journey through history provides certainly in a time of global turmoil and suggests that we have less time left than many would like to believe.


  1. world leaders right puppits put there with bankers fiat money to do their masters bidding

  2. Oh my goodness, it's my old pastor, Pastor Nick from Calvary Chappel. We had a parting of the ways because I did not believe that there is a rapture.

    1. I concur, Friend. There is no Rapture.

      The Rapture is a hoax created by American Satan Workers within the Church to confuse and trick the masses of Christ Believers. Of course, Americans fall for it as Americans like to take the Easy Way Out. When this Rapture doesn't happen, there will be masses of Christians who will feel like God has deserted them, and many of them will savage like animals in the New Post World War III Mega Cities of the Elite under the foot of the Beast- Cursing God and Praising the Beast.

      We are still quite a few decades from this scenario, of course. In that Far off New Era to Come, it will be Christians who will be hunted down like Criminals, and when Believers get caught they aren't going to Jail. By that time, the Libertarians will have devised a plan of Work Camps, Work Release, and terms of Slavery agreements in order to save money on the Ridiculously Expensive practice of Incarceration. In Revelations it talks about Men being Free and Bond. Slavery in the Manner of the 1800s will one day become Legal again, and it will be Christians who will be Lambs to the slaughter.

      - The Black Man

    2. You're brillant?
