Friday, July 19, 2013

Henry Kissinger : Those Who Reject the New World Order are Terrorists

Henry Kissinger actually publicly stated that those who oppose the New World Order are "terrorists".

Henry Kissinger in a speech given in Istanbul, Turkey on May 31, 2007, while the Bilderberg conference was simultaneously underway, just a few miles down the road.

Henry Kissinger"In the Middle East, we live in a different world. The nations do not represent historic entities in the same sense that European nations did. Turkey of course does, and Iran in a considerable extent does. But in the region in between, the borders were drawn by the victors of World War I on the basis largely of what would facilitate their influence. So therefore, the identities of these countries, and of their borders, can be challenged more easily."

"What we in America call terrorists are really groups of people that reject the international system, and they're trying to regroup it to a radical Islamic fundamentalists kind."


  1. I agree with this brilliant and the most intelligent American alive today.. Their needs to be some form of international order amongst nations,

    1. Haha :-) yeah right :-) An "order" has always solved everything.. emm.. except creating all wars and supressing people.

    2. First I suggest you learn how to write properly, then probably you should learn how to speak, and then maybe, just maybe your opinion might matter. You think the most vile, most despicable man on the face of this earth is most intelligent American alive today, that shows how ignorant and out of touch with reality you are.

    3. you're a fucking ignorant, frightening sheep.

      your man Kissinger's accent is FAKE. I know. he was a guest at my father's. ...MY FATHER' IS ALSO A SCUMBAG.


    5. little does this guy know that he is a useless feeder according to kissinger

  2. I just can't believe the Lord has allowed this EVIL ENTITY to walk the earth for this long a time! Scratch that, if He has allowed Satan to "ROAM THE EARTH, seeking souls to devour," why wouldn't he allow one of Satan's minions to? Kissinger has GOT TO BE miserable in his sins!!!

  3. Absolutely ridiculous. Disgusting.

  4. The anonymous commenter pouring accolades on the Evil Kissenger being brilliant is not even a troll just some dumbed down US flag waving moron, with an IQ less than George W Bush! Drink your daily dose of flouride Koolaid and crawl back on your mummy's breast.....NIT WIT!

  5. Kissinger is still a senile, demented old man who thinks his opinions are America's salvation;..The ONLY difference is he's older, more of a bumbler and continues to remind us of his "Nixon connection"...

  6. The New World Order will be an Order for the ethical believers in an incorporeal, single, and completely ethical Deity.

  7. What Kissinger is saying is that what we refer to as Terrorists are people that reject our way of life in the West. And that is a fact. Those people do reject that. He is saying that All Terrorists reject the Western way of life, but he is NOT saying that all people who reject the Western Way of Life are Terrorists. Do you see the difference? You people need to wise up and pay more attention. Look at the bigger picture. Watch the whole speech. There are bigger things to worry about than this old goat.

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