Saturday, June 15, 2013

Why The Elite Won't Kill Alex Jones ~ Susanne Posel 12June2013

Why The Elite Won't Kill Alex Jones, Susanne Posel Vinny Eastwood 12June2013

Susanne Posel is an investigative journalist from, an alternative news website dedicated to exposing the elite and their plans to globalize money, governments and people. Susanne discusses her entry into alternative media and her understanding of how many grassroots organizations and movements are under elite control. In the second hour with Susanne Posel, we'll continue on fake revolutions and the reformation of society. We'll discuss internet censorship, Raytheon's Riot software and manipulation via the aid of social media. Then, Susanne will discuss Neocons as Trotskyites, exporting the revolution, faux conservatism and collectivist movements. Later, we cover transhumanism and Agenda 21 and discuss where a godless, soulless scientific dictatorship is taking humanity.

1 comment:

  1. This is a tempest in a teapot. I follow the alternative media and this entire conspiracy/truther conept closely, and I can tell you that the mainstream public doesn't care about Alex Jones or his followers. We are interested in this kind of thing but the rest of the world is not. In fact, most people don't even know who Alex Jones is. As we can see from the passage of time that he and his followers have been impotent and inert in their ability to change anything for the better, his death would not spur them to be anything more than they are now, and that's nothing. Since all the millions of Jones fans have done absolutely nothing significant enough to impact anything, his death would be met by them with the same philosophy...and that's to do nothing. So whether Jones lives or dies is totally irrelevant.
