Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Secret of The Jobless Recovery ~ Offshore outsourcing of American Jobs

To convince Americans of outsourcing's benefits, corporate outsources sponsor misleading one-sided "studies."

Only a handful of people have looked objectively at the issue. These few and the large number of Americans whose careers have been destroyed by outsourcing have a different view of outsourcing's impact. But so far there has been no debate, just a shouting down of skeptics as "protectionists."

Despite the enormity of the stakes for all Americans, a state of denial exists among policymakers and the outsourcing's corporate champions about the adverse effects on the US.

1 comment:

  1. offshore outsourcing is available for all kind of companies like I.T, medical business etc., but companies should when to hire the best offshore outsourcing services to reduce their work flow. it is one of the developing services which provides benefits many corporations
