Sunday, June 23, 2013

NSA Chief Can't Explain How Snowden Slipped Through Cracks: 'Clearly The System Did Not Work'

6/23/13 - National Security Agency Chief Keith Alexander appeared on ABC's This Week Sunday morning to denounce Moscow-bound Edward Snowden, but was unable to explain how internal security measures failed to prevent Snowden from making off with so much classified material. "This is an individual who is not acting, in my opinion, with noble intent," Alexander said of the leaker. "What Snowden has revealed has caused irreversible and significant damage to our country and allies."

Host George Stephanopoulos asked Alexander if the government knew how Snowden was able to leave Hawaii with the materials he'd taken.

"Clearly the system did not work as it should have," Alexander said. "This is an individual with top secret clearance whose duty it was to administer these networks. He betrayed that confidence and stole some of our secrets. We are now putting in place actions that would give us the ability to track our system administrators, what they're doing, what they're taking, a two-man rule. We've changed the passwords. But at the end of the day, we have to trust that our people are going to do the right thing. This is an extremely important mission defending our country."

"We have interest in those who collect on us as an intelligence agency. But to say that we're willfully just collecting all sorts of data would give you the impression that we're just trying to canvas the whole world. The fact is what we're trying to do is get the information our nation needs, the foreign intelligence, that primary mission, in this case and the case that Snowden has brought up is in defending this nation from a terrorist attack."

"Are you confident that we have not broken the laws of Hong Kong?" Stephanopoulos asked.

"I'm confident that we're following the laws that our country has," Alexander said. "We have a set of laws that guide how NSA acts; we follow those laws."

Overall, Alexander defended the phone metadata program as entirely within the bounds of law, citing 300 instances in which phone data had been grabbed for fifty cases, ten of which involved a person in the U.S. (like Najibullah Aziz), but that the NSA had never listened in on the phone call of an American citizen.

"We have not, in a single case, had a place where a government official engaged in a willful effort to circumvent or violate the law," Alexander affirmed. "Zero times have we done that."

"We've got to move this debate from a political debate to a debate on national security, because that's what we're talking about and the security of this country."


  1. Alexander is just one more incompetent 'toadie' in the "toadie-filled" Obama Administration. Snowden is a "whistleblower" hero in the mold of Paul Revere. If you read this article closely you can understand the leaky sieve government that can only begin to be repaired by the actions of Manning, Snowden and 'whistleblowers" like them and other TRUE PATRIOTS like them.

  2. This man is incorrect in his blatherings Snowden exposed an illegal act of the NSA in as much as they violated the Constitution and any law that does that is not valid period. The Constitution is the Law of the Land and Rule of Law period. If you dont like it ammend it.

  3. on a funny land a computer became!... He wonder why out of the atom he only found toxic waste! as the story goes computers are rendering those that use it a bit incoherent: machine versus men?
    Humans can do some things that machines can't however machines are able to do lot of things! they could one day claim independence! and put the human race on the dilemma.

  4. There are no cracks. He did not slip through anything. This whole "Snow job" is a psy-op, a decoy, sleight of hand, magician's trick too divert attention from some other dirty deeds that will come to light soon, and we will be off on another wild goose chase...again & again. Same playbook, same crap, only the names are changed to keep you fascinated, mesmerized, hypnotized. Check for more and check YT-er Montagraph or 1myourghost for missing moles on his face & neck. Better question is who is in the picture they have photo shopped?

  5. What a crock of unmitigated shit. This man says his job is to protect the government from terrorists but under the Patriot act and it's various revisions practically every American citizen is a terrorist of one kind or another. We are all terrorists ergo the NSA spies on EVERYONE!

    Find out if you are a terrorist suspect by looking at the list from this newspaper article. If you don't find yourself there you are definitely doing something wrong. Get active or get radioactive so says Webster Tarpley.
