Bitcoin and the New Peer-to-Peer Economy: Charlie Shrem, CEO of Bitinstant, argues that digital currencies like
bitcoin are disrupting the way we do business and creating a new
peer-to-peer economy.
BitCoin have been calculated to be completely in around 25-30 years. By
then, digital p2p currencies will be the norm and people will spend
their coins. Acceptance of BTC and p2p currencies is rapidly
accelerating. Once again, there are derivatives to BTC which are traded
on the markets. LiteCoin, TerraCoin, OpenCoin, etc. Check out 'Ripple'
which will allow exchange for anything and completely bypass exchanges.
p2p crypto currencies are here to stay and it's a very very good thing.
a mechanical currency becomes when all action "work" is done by a machine! as bit coin is a machine. objects that are obtain "exchange" however the now demands a new currency! a new reserve global currency to allow BIT coin to expand! The BREN 25 Silver%, can do the trick.