Monday, June 24, 2013

Glenn Greenwald: "Dianne Feinstein is Outright Lying" about NSA Surveillance Abuses

Greenwald, who broke the NSA surveillance stories, talks about the mystery around Edward Snowden and the Obama administration's decision to charge Snowden with espionage.

"What the NSA is doing is both unconstitutional and illegal," Greenwald says. "When Dianne Feinstein says into the camera that there is no evidence she is aware of that the NSA has abused its spying powers, she is simply lying."


  1. Hey, haven't you heard whats right is wrong, whats wrong is right. They are only trying to protect us from the boogyman.

  2. NEWS FLASH!!! They ALL LIE! Feinstein is one of the MOST DEMONIC Senators we've EVER HAD!!! Of course, she's in good company. Try looking into her eyes, scratch that. I've done it, and my forehead sweats PROFUSELY!!!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Her lips are moving, she is lieing!!
