Friday, May 17, 2013

The USA in Bible Prophecy- (Doug Batchelor) Amazing Facts

Informative sermon done by pastor Doug Batchelor of Amazing Facts. Speaking from the word of God explaining the US in bible prophecy. I don't own the copyrights to this video and it was uploaded strictly for educational purposes. Enjoy & God bless!


  1. Excellent video. Thanks for posting

  2. Great video , the world is getting every idea thrown at it except the truth . thanks for sharing this

  3. If you enjoyed this video ...check out Dr. Walter Veith on U Tube he has some very enlightening information on the days we are going through. Excellent video.

  4. Mr. Batchelor is a wONDERFUL speaker! Being a Roman Catholic, Pre-Vatican II Catholic, thank-you very much, I was appreciative that he didn't RAILROAD Catholics like so many speakers do. Thank-You sir, that you were up-front and realistic, without being IN YOUR FACE! You are a TRUE MINISTER of Christ.

  5. I have to break this to you. Pastor Doug Batchelor is Illuminati. Don't trust him or his associates. You can verify my claims by heading over to my blog:
