Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI Announced today that he has resigned his papacy because he is GAY and "could no longer live a lie."

Pope Benedict XVI Comes Out as Gay

Pope Benedict XVI announced today that he has resigned his papacy because he is gay and "could no longer live a lie." In a statement released to Italian news media the 85-year-old departing pontiff says he is relieved to be coming out after eight decades in the closet and urged the Catholic Church and other faiths to accept homosexuality as a natural part of God's creation. "Like many gay Catholics, I have been forced for too long to choose between my faith and my identity," the statement reads. "My profound love for my beloved church compelled me to lie to myself and to my fellow believers about a basic component of my humanity. "I deeply regret that deception. I have not been honest with the Church, and for that reason I decided that I could not continue my role as leader of the world's one billion Catholics.
The actual date on the story reads: Feb. 28, 2013


  1. This is a TOTAL ABOMINATION from the PITS OF HELL!!! This is such a LIE, I CANNOT FATHOM IT!
    What Demon would make up such a HORRIFIC STORY? MAy God Almighty rebuke the SATANIST who made up this PUTRID FABRICATION!!!

  2. Your fucking religion is an abomination Anonymous coward. No wonder they fed you people to the lions. Filthy bible worshiper.

  3. Check your news source at hoax slayer.
    It's a total fabrication, a hoax, not true.


    1. Satire...SATIRE...
      C'mon folks LIGHTEN UP...
      Get it straight..the NWO Elite are doing everything they
      can to 'yank our chain'!
      They get their rocks off when they see us throwing stones at each other!!!!!!

  4. The reason people keep falling for this is because it is SO BELIEVABLE.... Nobody trusts these shady characters in Rome a bit farther than they can throw 'em
