Monday, May 6, 2013

Gun Revolution: 3D Printer Guns that Everyone can Built at Home to Prove Gun Control Law Won't Work

(Fox News) Video above shows the first 3D-printed gun successfully being fired. Defense Distributed, a Texas company, has found a way for people to make their own guns at home. The process involves a 3D printer and the end result is functional plastic gun that can shoot real bullets.
The plastic guns wouldn't require background checks or set off metal detectors. Trace Gallagher reports that the group is headed by self-described anarchist Cody Wilson. He's said he's trying to make a political point that gun control laws simply won't work.
The company said it's willing to share the blueprints with anyone who wants them. It's apparently already been downloaded over 50,000 times worldwide.
Now lawmakers are trying to beef up laws on plastic weapons. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is more concerned about Wilson than the 3D printers. They said, "What makes Wilson dangerous isn't his tech savvy. It is his belief that he has an individual right to employ violence when he personally finds our democratically-enacted laws to be 'tyrannical.'"
Wilson said he doesn't advocate violence, but he does advocate ignoring the government.

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