Saturday, May 4, 2013

Breaking News!! Syrian Chemical Weapons was an Israeli False Flag Operation says Former Bush administration official

Retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell during the Bush administration, talks to Cenk about how President Obama should handle early evidence that Syria may have used chemicals weapons.
Former Bush administration official says Syrian chemical weapons use might've been "false flag operation" of Israel.


  1. you people don't get it.. ISRAEL is the main problem, not just of syria, or palestinians but the human race. why, ask AIPAC. you see soon the 8 billions folks that inhabit this planet will hate even more the failed nation cal USA of America, and you the americans if that is what you call yourself will be hated by the population of a planet 8 billions folks. thanks to israel, and a government that does not exist, I suggest in the future find a real man to govern the nation before the lot of you are destroyed. find an intelligent honest american a rational leader a real president. I know there's someone out there in america that is a just an honest men that will bring honor and sanity to america.

  2. I am an honest American.
