Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bitcoin ~ The Next Revolution in Banking

Bitcoin supporters promise banking 'revolution'

The new virtual currency Bitcoin: You can't touch it; you can only spend it online or with a smart phone. But supporters of Bitcoin say it will revolutionise banking. And now some workers are even being paid with the new system. Al Jazeera's Rob Reynolds went to meet one man who's doing just that, and finds out how his salary has gone up ten-fold.

1 comment:

    The creator(s) of the Bitcoin remain anonymous.

    Please recall, (or research), JUST exactly WHAT the 'anonymous JP Morgan Cabal' did in 1913 to get their devious Federal Reserve Plan enacted..
    They implemented the Hegelian Dialect* & used the media to broadcast their opposition ruse to get it through a skeleton Congress and signed by Wilson who later confessed he'd been duped.

    Are we seven months away from something similar occurring on a global basis?
    * Hegelian Dialect: PROBLEM~ REACTION~ SOLUTION
