Sunday, April 14, 2013

WW3 ~ Nuclear War In Korea Will Make Chernobyl Look Like Childs Play

The US Secretary of State, John Kerry is in China on the latest leg of his emergency tour to try and defuse tension around North Korea's nuclear threats. In a news conference he's suggested America could remove its newly-bolstered missile defense in the region if Pyongyang abandons its nuclear weapons program. It's believed that offer might encourage China to put pressure on North Korea - something it's been reluctant to do so far. Earlier this week a Pentagon report, released by mistake, claimed the North already had the capability to launch a nuclear missile. The White House, however, quickly dismissed those findings as 'premature'. Nevertheless, America, Japan and South Korea have continued to build up defenses, with Seoul saying it's braced for the North's missile test anytime. Russia has warned against the escalation of the crisis - as RT's Aleksey Yaroshevsky reports.


  1. See this video in your interest:

  2. No need for nuclear tipped missiles! South Korea has 59 active nuclear reactors. Well place bombs or artillery can turn these into a thousand Chernobyl's and Fuckushima disasters on steroids! with such an event South Korea Japan all the north pacific islands and the whole of the North American land mass is a radioactive desert withing a few weeks

  3. North Korea will drop a nuclear bomb right on Rev.Moons church and they will draft about million men half train them and throw them on the battlefield.

  4. perhaps OBAMA underestimate PUTIN and the russians, even american citizens, as North korea is the russian, chinese firewall, what putin is talking about chernobyl is more the american mainland, because crazy Obama is set into creating a nuclear war with russia. so beware, do not underestimate the russians. remember napoleon, it will be you the american people that can be fried to death, obama is convince a first strike to russia will do the trick he is quite mistaken.
