Friday, April 19, 2013

URGENT - Suspects Father Calls False Flag!! All Set-up & Cops Killed Son To Cover Up

URGENT - Suspects Father Calls False Flag!! All Set-up & Cops Killed Son To Cover Up


  1. time to collect nukes worldwide before it goes even madder.

  2. Can you say PATSIES? These young kids were used, played, pimped by an evil system that got them to be involved in this. Why don't the fake ass news channels show all the other pictures of the military contractors, similarly dressed??? Don't trust the f'ing government. Bunch of dumbass liars, frauds, crooks trying to justify more wars and a police state. Kill their own people and millions around the world to feed their greed.

  3. Another set of parents in denial about their children.
    I suppose all the utube jihiad evidence was done by another person, and the cameras seeing the boys place the backpack and walk away was photoshop and the boys firing at the police and throwing bombs at them were wearing look-alike-masks and the boy shot, somehow ended up with the family DNA yes yes more parents thinking their children are little angels.

  4. Some-Thing Stanks in Bean Town.
