Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Alex Jones Show : Wednesday, April 17 2013: Pressure Cooker

The Alex Jones Show :(Commercial Free Audio) Wednesday, April 17 2013: Pressure Cooker

On the important Wednesday, April 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the tell-tale signs that point to the Boston Marathon explosions in all likelihood being a false flag attack perpetrated by our own government to take our freedoms, from denials of a drill by appointed officials, to eyewitness accounts of people told prior to the race to stay calm because bomb-sniffing dogs and beefed-up security were part of a "training exercise." Alex also analyzes attempts by the liberal press and certain politicians to predictably blame the bombing on “domestic terrorists,” specifically “right-wing extremists.” On today's show, Alex welcomes former Ron Paul Staffer and Founder of Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes to discuss suspicions that a member of the "liberty movement" will be blamed for the attack. We'll also speak with editor Paul Joseph Watson about the Family Guy episode that depicted scenes eerily similar to those that unfolded during the Boston Marathon attack.

1 comment:

  1. I still need more proof this is a False Flag!!!
