Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Alex Jones Show - Thursday, April 18, 2013 (Full Show)

On the Thursday, April 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex lays out the huge victory Infowars had yesterday in identifying several members of the Boston Marathon crowd that looked highly suspicious, even though a supposed arrest had already been made. Quite possibly, Infowars, with help from crowd sourced sites and a treasure trove of independent photos, may have held a huge part in destroying the official narrative the government intended to run with. We'll also examine the explosion at a West Texas fertilizer plant that killed as many as 15 people and injured more than 160. On today's show, Alex welcomes American broadcaster, filmmaker and financial analyst Max Keiser to discuss the drastic fall of gold and silver prices and what that means for the dollar and world economies in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. Dan Badondi is HYSTERICAL the way he keeps SHUTTING DOWN the "Press Conferances!" GO GET EM' DAN!!!
