Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nuclear Armageddon ~ Illuminati 2013 End of the World Conspiracy Predictions

Illuminati 2013 End of the World Conspiracy Predictions

Planned and executed by shadowy multi-generational fascists bent on world domination and genocidal depopulation, the wars surrounding America and Nuclear Armageddon are being scripted to usher in a totalitarian one world government for the western and European oligarchy, and elite bankster class. The film paints a very bleak picture of the state of world affairs with few glimmers of hope, however viable options are presented, and the brutal truth is revealed on such issues as Syria, Iran, Russia, China, DPRK, Missile Defense, Depleted Uranium Munitions, North and South Koreas , Israel and Palestine, past wars, economic slavery, and the march to WW3.


  1. I have never heard such nonsense! There have always been wars and rumors of wars there has always been pestilence and famine, Nations have always risen against Nation. How is that prophecy! The Bible and Revelations mentioned nothing of extraordinary significance, Like electricity Faster than sound flight Nuclear weapons Vaccines etc etc . give me a break all you idiot religious nuts, it's all myth and fictional stories!

    1. i disagree 3 thousand years a go when alien life was on earth creating humans there was 4 great aliens that ruled the earth and they had nuclear weapons and theirs proof off the on the pyramids off nuclear radiation and also theirs been loads off civilizations before us and there will be after us there's always a begging and a end the fast we go the better it will be for the earth its self

  2. one things for sure while we keep burning oil and everything else like we have done since humans climbed out of the swamps,all will be ok.till this atmosphere becomes so heavy.ho just add smashing up the earth to get the csg gas to burn too and stuff our last drinking water,how about those for facts not prophecy

  3. The Bible: a book written by groups of men over several centuries littered with over 60,000 errors from scientific errors to grammatical errors to historical errors to outright of prophecy? No. Book of God? No.

  4. Hi there i have read all these stories.To me it is pretty scary because we at the bottom of this dont know what is happening on the top. People can say what they like.There is things going on.Deff. we just dont know what to think or to say.All this talk of Bible Religion,War,Governments,illnesses and lack of food and water????.We did not create anything God did.And we have no Power over it. Satan is there pulling in his people to create havoc in this world.We cannot say he does not excit because we did not create him.Why are there so many people after money because they want power and what is the world about.Who can be the best and who can have the most money.And we like puppets listning to crap music.Watching porn on tv.loving to kill your neighbour.who are we. why does no one have controll over these things. the world is in a big mess because of what people have done wrong.God does excist He wanted good for us. who can say what we will be like in 10 years time no one. yes not even the government can give you we have the Quaraan full of Stories and Millions are believing this and hoping to be ok. The Bible with all the Prophecies not sucked out of a thumb.And the Jews.They have favour.ALL the Nations in the world cannot touch them and then the Palistines say they steel there land.Its like men who have no children and you wonder why.Because maybe he is a bad man and why would his seed be carried on it bad seed.Isreal will stand through all this because God is protecting that land.People go dig up ground to find answers and in the Bible it say God has put Angels before the gates of the garden of eden and no one can get there hands on that peace of earth because they after the gold and silver.i can carry on forever. THERE IS SOMETHING CREATING THIS EVIL AND ITS GETTING WORCE AND WORCE BECAUSE MEN ARE PLAYING INTO HIS massons,illuminati,england,america,germany they all busy with the same thing.AND SORRY TO SAY IF YOU HAVE NO MONEY YOU CANNOT PLAY WITH THEM.

  5. You fucking pussyholes ant got a clue what happens in this world open your eyes
