Sunday, April 14, 2013

North Korean Video Threatens Nuclear Attacks on LA, DC, New York and Arkansas

4/14/13 - The North Korean regime released another threatening video today. In this production the regime targets Los Angeles, Washington DC, New York and Arkansas with nuclear attacks.


  1. Here are my predictions : the war with north Korea will start but only in conventional way , America who could not win a war against the Taliban (who are shoeless fighters with Kalashnikov ) is going to start losing and will decide "we are going to go nuclear" so that we can win this war , and here comes China jumping in ( china is the really one manipulating north Korea from behind the scenes ) China will tell America back off or else , then may be even Russia an old enemy of America will also join in to teach America the lesson of its lifetime , America will be defeated and destroyed and will learn a bitter lesson to mind its own business within its own borders and to never go around the globe bullying under armed poor nations ... this will be life changing for America no more wars for global domination the American empire is over the America nation lives on

  2. Anonymous, I agree that China is the one to actually watch. The "Blessed Mother" has said many times to watch China and Russia. China wants North Korea to do it's "DIRTY WORK," yet North Korean citizens are starving, and their arsenry is pre WWII. Either way, America loses, and it should. God will NOT be mocked! We cannot approve of Sodomite unions and abortions and expect God to just turn a BLIND EYE, it doesn't work that way, and NEVER has!

  3. why doesnt the USA piss off and leave countries alone. They create this shit so they can put on a big show for their people. USA is good at two things, causing trouble and blaming someone else for the trouble.The big holleywood show,americans just cant get enough of it.

  4. Why CO or AR?

    Best to stock up on food, drink, meds and supplies, just in case.

  5. America and the anglos in general live with the false myth that they are INVINCIBLE , they will soon change their minds learn their lesson and learn to stick to their own borders and solve their own domestic problems instead of pursuing the establishment of a world empire

  6. I bet the North Koreans can't even launch a rocket that far.

    1. Yes but it is not about North Korea per se ,North Korea is just a peon , it is China that is moving North Korea from behind the the scenes
