Max Keiser on Bitcoin Currency : Abby Martin talks to Max Keiser, host of the Keiser Report, about the global economy and the growing popularity of the decentralized digital currency known as the Bitcoin.
it has a limit. you can't cointerfeit Bcoin, due to the energy used to make a transaction. plus Bcoin can't inflate, lose purchasing power or be diluted ergo 1BC=1BC.
though because of the consensus of Bcoin, Tcoins and alt currencies will NEVER expand Bcoin AS Bcoin, the code wont register. the data can't be converted into 20+ million Bcoins
there will be only 20 million in the world.
thereby Bitcoin, is like a comodity, (gold standard)
plus Bitcoin's velocity is quite fast thus because it's not a currency.
it's like metal.
I'd rather have metal, I can understand that.