Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"Is This Another False Flag Attack To Takeaway Our Civil Liberties?" Press Conference On Marathon

Right on Schedule. A 'new' conspiracy event. Now everyone will shift focus from Sandy Hook or be fragmented further into split groups, just as they were from -911- with Admiralty Law, Zeitgeist/AstroTheology, Kony2012, Zombies, Sandy Hook and now good ole Boston. Fragmented and PSY0P'd continously. Tool - Schism is a Great Song. "I know the pieces fit" They got you Hook, Line and Sinker. Stay Tuned for Next Weeks distraction cause the Truth Movement has A>D>D. If someone doesn't take responsibility it's obvious false flag. Terrorist, real ones, take responsibility to emphasize their message....just like nobody took responsibility for 9/11...no reports of directive shows its BS....or an accident.
Pakistan Taliban says it was not behind bombs : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9996871/Boston-Marathon-explosions-Pakistan-Taliban-says-it-was-not-behind-bombs.html


  1. Disarm the people n take take more wealth away thru manipulation in the markets n what does it leave a soon to be third world nation drinking flouride water, growing GMO food crops n producing nothing...

  2. You forgot breathing in all the air filled with chemtrails
