Monday, April 29, 2013

Glenn Beck Big Announcement : Obama is Going to Get Impeached !

Glenn Beck: Today Is Beginning Of The End Of Obama Admin - 4/24/2013 - According to Glenn Beck in this video, we have reached the "beginning of the end for so much of this administration." "This is much bigger than we thought" says Glenn. A massive cover-up continues and Janet Napolitano, who Glenn feels will get jail time for her role in this cover-up, is going to be the first to fall. Will Barack Obama soon be impeached for his role in covering-up US government ties to terror in our own country? "A drowning man will pull everyone under, you better make sure they're not grabbing for you." This report from Glenn contains much more new information, including news that unnamed and heroic federal law enforcement agents are deeply involved in investigating this cover-up and several other news organizations have censored reports from their own reporters and investigators. Glenn also shares that he feels that those major news media organizations will soon be "out of business".


  1. Is Beck an ADHD sufferer, can he not finish a sentence he started ?

    1. Obama and Beck came face to face recently... wow!

  2. R u a troll?! Obviously

  3. Everything Glen Beck does is TRASH! Evene if he tells the truth one time no on will believe him or care because he is so full of b.s

  4. Well there's an articulate argument! Wow all those facts supporting why Glenn Beck is full of B.S. You must be a member of the MSM. Completely unable to provide truthful information and facts and sprinkled in with so much bias. I guess because you say he's full of b.s. we should believe you. SMDH!

  5. If Obama is IMPEACHED, it will be so many prayers, as well as fasting answered!!! Oh, and Beck, I HATE to break it to you, but InfoWars has had a GREAT DEAL of this info. looooooooooong before you did! Also, Lyndon Larouche had the "IMPEACHMENT NEWS" weeks before you even mentioned it! Oh PLEASE Lord, let this be the case!!! I DO BELIEVE, I DO BELIEVE, I DO, I DO, I DO BELIEVE!!!

    1. It's good that he's doing this and who cares he's getting it out there to other people. We need all the help we can get. So don't be down on Beck. He's helping us, remember?

    2. OOOOO you know it!!! The People need to know He is a Muslim scum and HE Does Not Like much less love America. His EO's need to revoked and the ovomitcare repealed and trashed. Plus all the money they have stolen repaid BY HIM. Plus Pay back for the million dollar vacations they took.

  6. What a pathetic M O R O N and manipulator Glenn Beck is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We all know Obama deserves impeachment for his crimes against humanity (Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq),for his endless lies (promise to label GMO food, birth certificate), destruction of Constitution and personal liberties (too many examples).
    Who is glenn beck and who is obama?

    1. And you as a judge shows your ignorance of Fathers Word .

    2. And Always REMEMBER our Father is Still in Control

    3. Yes, He 'watches'.

  7. If he is impeached, look who his replacement will be.... pathetic, we need to run the whole thing out

  8. Why does Glenn Beck upset the liberals so much? Why do liberals uphold lies?

    Glenn, thank you for sounding the JUSTICE BELL!

  9. Perhaps if Mr. Beck was not such an ignobly perceived, long-standing raconteur and person of dubious credibility and intestinal fortitude (recall the FEMA expose?)....then some of us would give a damn what he had to say.

    Yes, the president may be a Muslim dog, a hardline Marxist, a thieving, lying traitorous POS determined to undermine our freedoms and destroy our country.

    But if he is such a monster, we can do better to defeat him than relying on the word of a dog-catcher like Beck.

    Both sides are playing many of you now, as you sit at the relative safety of your keyboards and complain.

    Lol. There will be Chaos soon.

    Party's starting....Cheers. ;-)

    - N

    1. Shut the page, huh?


  10. Did I miss something or did he not really reveal what the news is?

  11. I for one don't believe anything will happen. Obama has too many higher people on his side so he can do their biding. I will celebrate in the streets if this was true but, I don't think Anyone In This Country Has The Guts To Do Anything.

  12. watch when the ssi get cut,medicade,obamacare,veteran checks,,china want get there money neither,also debt be default...also welfare mom wants get there help neither,teachers-army want get paid neither,,,bengarzi stuff going get alot of folks in deep trouble,,,eric snowden has proven there spy networks,also other issues like irs going down soon-china going to attack the usa and seize it with the united nations soon,,,,read nostradamus,other visions,mabus is ousted out he resign or impeached sounds metaphoric to death,,,ya know whom mabus is metophoric to pres...i think new election comming soon mitt romney did get votes look the real tally up now on,,president election results 2012 and 2008...ya see many votes got on other side,,,electoral college going to be abolished also new system comming soon on new america...voters going to do something soon i heard millions will rally soon and call for impeachments or new elections just when alnold ran in california and won twice...yu know china want there money have war satelights ready to destroy the usa internet service threat also other satelights...russia ready also ,,snoweden show them loads of stuff..china knows this it for the usa oweing 18 trillion in debts everyone owes 400,000 us each now here...really the government owes this not us....we could go all independents call for new elections for all election offices and elect all independents in all offices...reason [re[ublicans want to end obamacare is it cost 4 trillion a year i heard thats alot also its taxes plus much more look it up...its require you have insurance if you not on nothing something like car insurance,ya know its fines if you dont see a doctor once a year...also much more,,,newgt was on leno said this nuts all pres had do is sign the bill given to him he would not do it was other bills...see its some shit i see pulling why was guns wanting to be banned some plot...nostradamus says the usa going to fall soon just as rome fell,overseas member egypt.libya,others like ussr-others fell....its no way pay this debt off ross perot stated its too high,,,taxes need to be cut on us all and also the voters need to rally soon so obama will cut obamacare or they can tell him he do it or there going be petition for impeachment,,,bengarzi,,,,spying,,,other like columbia scandel-petraus scandel.....america has to come together as we the people 70 million names to call for new elections for all offices in the usa

  13. to elect independents leaders like george washington was....ross perot was also almost won twice in the 90s...get liberty back and freedom now-cut taxes,,,bring jobs back,,they either china or cut ssi - veteran /goverment pays teachers-army...they doing something think hard travon martin,zimmerman,woman in black car,christopher dorner burned up,other stuff-new brainwash-propanganda...80 million on ssi they worked a long time,aarp getting in this soon,,,also ill people ill cant work on jobs fainting and throwing up,,,celebs are angry and mr moneybags in new york....parks are closed,,many jobs ,,,the people are to done rally,social site on youtube,myspace,facebook-others...they cant jail everyone if everyone work as one washington stated long ago the people got the power can form a new system if government become evil-tyrant like as britian was ,,the people can overthrow any law by 2/3 of votes-petition....obama should step down this happen each year they threat to cut folks aid,,,there aid pay are to be cut off and pres work for free nomore pay i bet they go nuts...the people got the power as one can form petition for new elections,impeachments...companies-investors can call for new election and impeachment,,the market will crash and stocks soon if the people dont get together like 70 million names and deep rallies...ross perot and ron paul warned us all,,,ross perot saif he had won in 92 and 96 the 4 trillion debt been zero under him we have no debt also people would of elected more independents in president offices,,,been no 911 tragedy and no iraq war and other crap not our concerns...

  14. to elect independents leaders like george washington was....ross perot was also almost won twice in the 90s...get liberty back and freedom now-cut taxes,,,bring jobs back,,they either china or cut ssi - veteran /goverment pays teachers-army...they doing something think hard travon martin,zimmerman,woman in black car,christopher dorner burned up,other stuff-new brainwash-propanganda...80 million on ssi they worked a long time,aarp getting in this soon,,,also ill people ill cant work on jobs fainting and throwing up,,,celebs are angry and mr moneybags in new york....parks are closed,,many jobs ,,,the people are to done rally,social site on youtube,myspace,facebook-others...they cant jail everyone if everyone work as one washington stated long ago the people got the power can form a new system if government become evil-tyrant like as britian was ,,the people can overthrow any law by 2/3 of votes-petition....obama should step down this happen each year they threat to cut folks aid,,,there aid pay are to be cut off and pres work for free nomore pay i bet they go nuts...the people got the power as one can form petition for new elections,impeachments...companies-investors can call for new election and impeachment,,the market will crash and stocks soon if the people dont get together like 70 million names and deep rallies...ross perot and ron paul warned us all,,,ross perot saif he had won in 92 and 96 the 4 trillion debt been zero under him we have no debt also people would of elected more independents in president offices,,,been no 911 tragedy and no iraq war and other crap not our concerns...

  15. See nostradamus - others,,,uk seers claim rallies and riots comming soon in the states...also look up what obamacare does it dont help the old only the young get best care...old get pills and dont need surgeries they old...there fines,taxes,,young pay more taxes in the healthcare obamacare plan on there job pay 20-40us a week...over 60% are mad at the shutdown....investors going to begin cashing stocks out soon see the market crash and emerge companies going buy many out like congra foods owns a host of companies look it up healthy choice-banquet going buy bing and yahoo out,,facebook going go out of business soon either youtube google going buy it out when stocks reach 5 bucks a share....companies going bu out,,--other things...taxes are so high it should been a 25 % oneway tax for all as canada has,,,39.9% and 7% tax,,obamacare not good jay leno said he dont understand what the plans say...people are fed up with obama and obamacare,,,hilter did same stuff a national healthcare then ya know what came some government officer stated online...if i was obama i resign out of office now and let joe biden haddle it all,,i would not ruine my image now its bad on his family...jesse ventura said only way to fix the usa is go with all independent officers in all offices and elect independent president,,he said he could run if people asked him to do it he need support..
    the america dream is nomore unless ya do something soon...china and russia going cut the internet off if they dont get there money soon,,,if ssi - veterans dont get paid going be rallies and aarp going get in this also others....impeachment or resignations going to happen...syvia brown also nostradamus say be nomore usa president soon,,,russia,china,moneybags have stuff on pres soon might be used...if america had attacked syria ya know united nations would of attacked the usa with full force one was on america side....china has war satelights ready to blow the usa internet up and communications up soon if they dont get there money...ya know what tony soprano did if you did not pay after the 3rd attempt to get the money back with interest or interest....north korea ready,iran ready,iraq ready,egypt ready,,all the world bible onemore time also see youtube on it,,see enoch vision,psalms 2 and 72 also zechariah 14 plus code in it...

  16. sir issac newton date 2030 cut in half or feww is 2013 or 2015 final date for god to shorten time ...unless my father shorten time none shall live but cause elect it shall be cut...apostles see fire go all over only elect got saved the road was few to make talking backwards and in codes future times,latter times,end days,end times,other days numbers 9-13 proves god has a chariot seen by moses,jacob-others...god forces come soon withe the kingdom....nebiru or nebula the comet planet like cybertron comes soon its stays in earth orbit for almost 2,000 yrs,,,god say thousand years like hour to him,,,man shall live long as trees and 100yrs old want be old in god new kingdom he rules...noah was atlantiean being as adam was as edgar cayce said long ago they was a super race...lilith might of existed,,,faces on mars are of the adamites a super race of beings rumored and nazi did go there also on the moon...hitler might still be alive and immortal rumored cause eisenhower said to starlin there no proof he died it was not no dna back then....hitler was kin to the jews whom turned on him,,he made pact with greenman race on mars and draco on the moon...see hitler army on youtube,,,some say we under there controle now area 51,,,look it up,,,we think of greed but the government pimping us taking too much money from tea party long ago was against taxes from britian back then...america been only 13 colonies if jefferson had not brought the lousiana purchased that consisted of all states now from napoleon from france which britian claim to own and spain also indians was fooled out of it...britian never gave us permission to be free no parliment voted long ago on it...jefferson purchase was illegal if you look at it....indians forced off land and brought in slavery also many died out cause of illnesses of the settlers...ponchontas was only 15 ya,also sacjewhea was like 16,,,look it up,,,norma jean was marylyn monroe she ran away at 15yrs old all her family died out got ill she met people got in to dirty films then she changed her name became a moviestar and singer just as tracy lords did-others have done...freedom was on tv long ago deepthroat made over 600 million long ago in 70s look it was mainstream on tv,stores allover,,,reason it got sidekicked was jimmy swaggert and others got into it and tracy lords said she was underage and was not getting paid,,she did have permission from a parent her stepdad took care of her i think her family died out,,,well she was on many films some ban in usa while others are legal overseas,,she won awards like mad,,this was all legal till clintons got in offices in 90s mid around 1996 pres banned it in all stores,places,collectors had to burn there collections and some was raided...also just as comicbooks was burned in the old days that why they worth alot now many got banned and tales from crypt was burned up look it all up...tracy lords only list some legal films on imbd but she did over 600 or 800 films,,,had tons of awards was on many mags...she looked use to show sex,nudity,cussing,drugs,violence-more on tv was more freedom...if bill had not won office,,,games,comicbook,tv shows and things been not banned,rated,,,etv been not pbs now,,also we have more freedoms...they got night trap banned in 1993 look it up it was a game see on youtube was good some have it....clinto tried to ban gta san andreas member hot coffeee,,new one gta 5 has it all made billions in few days now costed 260 million make...elvis use be thought to be wet for tv as miley.spears,others are now...we need to unban and get our freedom back now before they take it all as wwe has been tamed no women in swimwear-sex now its pg not tv14,,,impact tna is tv14 they tried pg it want work ya.....wwe is real cena,rock was really hurt also stonecold and others...ya member dallas,miami vice-other shows they had it all,,damn bush dad got war of the world tv show banned also etv funds was cut off they had real educational shows 321 contact-mama violet was good back then,,,its so tame now...pbs,,,

  17. see they want ban guns also did try ban videogames but videogames companies fought won against the government on free expression and idea...ya member david koresh was done wrong also warren jeffs see this was legal for hundred years these cults they have free will as jehovah witness-armish people...see rights was taken,,,david koresh was vernon howell a hollywood band member he did try to get in other bands...he got money and got the cult compound in the late 80s from irs it had been default,,,reason they went after him he had wikkileaks stuff,,,i saw some of it online he was going to talk if they did not leave him alone...see he got hacker to go in the files copied stuff...julian assange and snourden knew of it also michael hasting was killed by the government he had shit there evidence...the cops are wrong on killing that woman in the car with a child in her car she had no gun she ran into the gate cause the shutdown ya was going not talking on controlled and uses brainwash on are shown over and over thats brainwash...facebook going out of business,,whole net proberly be blown up soon by china if they dont get there got damn money...bush got out was ony 8.9 trillion ,,,clinton got out was 6 trillion,,,reagan was only 2.8 trillion after he left,,,carter was barely 1.1 trillion,,when bush dad left was only 3.8 trillion ,, ross perot said was onky 4 trillion in 92 and barely 5 trillion in 96,,,see when obama got in there 8 yrs see its almost 20 trillion,,,damn,,,obamacare its 40 dollar or 80 dollar out of your working check a week also more for the rich its like extra tax...something going on odd....hillary did it also on national healthcare member ya was crap...same shit ya waisted money it did not work back then want now....
