Saturday, April 20, 2013

Glen Beck ~ Boston Bombing is a False Flag Attack

Glen Beck, Criminal News Coverage, False Flag Attack, Boston Bombing

As far as the government is concerned, the media has already convicted both of the bombing based on hearsay evidence. Not one shred of proof. Now, all coverage will shift to the victims. The media’s job appears to be to report on what they are told to say by corporate executives and government employees. If you want investigative reporting, well, that’s not good business.
How does a 19 year old kid afford 900 dollar designer shoes ?
How does a 19 year old kid afford a Rolex watch ?
How does a 19 year old afford to have enough weed to get his entire dorm floor stoned daily and buy all the Pizzas and wings they could eat ?
Was this kid on the FBI payroll as an informant ? of Course he was a operative of the goverment

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Beck actually grew a couple and admitted how bad things are to himself. He finally caught on! Celente, Jones, Chomsky, Perkins, Berman, Stiglitz and dozens of others have been talking about this for years. Maybe some good will come of it... maybe conservatives will start admitting the truth to themselves, that neither party works for them, and that things are really, really bad.
