Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Breaking News ~ US deploys Naval Laser Guns near Iran

All fire departments should know the government can now commit arson on Americans 3 miles up. But who cares, right? The government can break all the laws it wants too.

The United States Navy announced on Monday that it will deploy laser weapons in the Persian Gulf. According to reports, the prototype weapon can burn a hole through an enemy vehicle and also send a blast of energy that will confuse an enemy's computer system without inflicting any real damage. The US plans on having the new laser cannon fully operational within the next year and many believe that the move comes as a warning to Iran regarding their nuclear activity. Alexandra Toma, nuclear nonproliferation expert and a Truman Fellow, explains how this prototype could be a game changer.


  1. Iran has announced a massive increase in mirror production! these ten dollar mirrors are to be deployed to defend against the multi-billion dollar Lasers. The Iranians are developing a guidance system to redirect the laser back to source. LOL!

  2. Paint possible targets with reflective paint ..that will do it ... and CHEAPLY... and take the smirky grin of this Young ladys face
