Sunday, April 7, 2013

Breaking News : China Signals it will Back North Korea in War end times news update ~ 7 April 2013

7 April 2013 Breaking News China Signals it will Back North Korea in War end times news update 4-7-13

China won't sell out North Korea, no matter how much it should, and that sends a message to the rest of the world.

Who would you rather have in your corner? Who is going to stand by you when times are tough? China or America?

Officially China may not be too happy about the way that North Korea is acting. Or maybe it is.

China isn't too worried that Obama will actually drop his golf clubs and stand up to the Communist banker of his welfare state. It doesn't want to appear too crazy in public, but it has moved to a more militarist stance and North Korean aggressiveness serves its interests by tying up the United States in Korea while allowing its leaders to be the ones who claim to have the choke hold on the Nuclear Hound of North Korea.

But if push does come to shove, then China has North Korea's back. Unlike Obama Inc. which only has the Muslim Brotherhood's back.

China continued moving tanks and armored vehicles and flying flights near North Korea this week as part of a military buildup in the northeastern part of the country that U.S. officials say is related to the crisis with North Korea.

The Obama administration, meanwhile, sought to play down the Chinese military buildup along the border with Beijing fraternal communist ally despite the growing danger of conflict following unprecedented threats by Pyongyang to attack the United States and South Korea with nuclear weapons. The buildup appears linked to North Korea's March 30 announcement that it is in a state of war with South Korea after the United Nations imposed a new round of sanctions following the North's Feb. 12 2013 nuclear test and because of ongoing large-scale joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) troop and tank movements were reported in Daqing, located in northeastern Heilongjiang Province, and in the border city of Shenyang, in Liaoning Province.

Officials said one key military unit involved in the mobilization is the 190th Mechanized Infantry Brigade based in Benxi, Liaoning Province. The brigade is believed to be the PLA's frontline combat unit that would respond to any regional conflict or refugee flows. Troops and tank movements also were reported in Dandong, in Liaoning Province. Fighter jets were reported flying in larger numbers in Fucheng, Hebei Province, and in Zhangwu and Changchun, Liaoning Provinces. Additionally, the troop buildup is a signal to Pyongyang that China will abide by its defense commitment to North Korea in the event of renewed conflict.

If the PRC really wanted to discourage North Korea's misbehavior, then it would avoid the buildup. After all the only thing China really has to worry about is a flood of refugees and it doesn't need jets or tanks to deal with them.

The message being sent is that China, unlike the United States, doesn't abandon its allies.

Obama may have sold out Poland on missile defense and sold out the UK on the Falklands and Israel on Hamas. Obama sold out Mubarak and the leaders of most American allies in the Middle East.

March 31st 2013 Presstv reports - Russian president Putin orders unscheduled military drill in Black Sea Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered an unexpected military exercise involving dozens of ships and thousands of troops in the Black Sea.

Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday that Putin issued the order for the large-scale maneuvers overnight as he flew back from the South African city of Durban after a two-day summit of the BRICS group of emerging powers.

Peskov further said the drill is aimed at testing the battle-readiness of Russia's Black Sea units. "These are large-scale unannounced test exercises. The main goal is to check the readiness and cohesion of the various units," he said.

The ships taking part in the exercise have already left the Russia-leased Sevastopol port in Ukraine's Crimea Peninsula, the Russian spokesman added.

According to a Kremlin statement, the drill will involve 36 vessels, up to 7,000 troops and an unspecified number of aircraft. However, the statement did not specify how long the exercise would last.

Russian foreign affairs analyst Fyodor Lukyanov, who is also the editor of Russia in Global Affairs journal, said, "It is flexing muscles and may have more to do with what is happening in the Mediterranean, around Syria, than in the Black Sea."

In January, Russia launched its largest naval exercises in decades in the Mediterranean and Black Seas near the territorial waters of Syria.

Moscow said the drills were "held in line with the Russian Armed Forces' 2013 combat training plan," and focused on "interoperability of task forces from several fleets while on a mission in a far-off maritime zone."

In addition to Georgia and Ukraine, Russia shares the Black Sea with Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania.

1 comment:

  1. China is more secure country in the world. They have build their good images in the growth and being a strong nation.
