Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston Marathon False Flag - Who had the Greatest Motive? - Who Stands to Gain?

This false flag has echos of the JFK assassination. We seem to have look alike of at least one of the suspects. We have videos that don’t match the official story. We have multiple possible perpetrators on scene that appear to be in better positions to do the crime than the charged perpetrators. We have the apparent silencing of the patsy. We have all sorts of unexplained persons present that look suspicious. And we seem to have attempt to ‘disappear’ the physical evidence whenever possible. The main difference is that in the times of JFK the criminals appeared to be rough elements of the government and intelligence community. But today the killing seem to be run right through the center of our criminal government.

I have not had the time nor the resources to make conclusions of this video, but this video needs to be shared and proven false before it can be dismissed. So I ask that people download this video and break it down in every way. I care not for anything but the truth and as far as things appear at this point, there is no way to ignore the false flag signature of this event.


  1. Watertown strong or welcome to the twilight ZONE, Alex the imploding nation is here, think clearly, 1776 or 1789, or 2060...Watertown strong or welcome to the twilight ZONE, Alex the imploding nation is here, think clearly, 1776 or 1789, or 2060...

  2. He is an idiot. The suspect had 2 back packs and left one with the bomb .

  3. Hold on...There are other pictures more clear of him leaving the scene ... you can clearly see that it is his elbow in his jacket that is defined. NOT a backpack.
    and Here:
    and here:

    Also, of the two other 'Craft' is a picture of them after the bombing calling in for help, BUT he still has his backpack.

    and here:
