Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Investigating Boston Marathon Bombing ~ A Stratfor Analysis

Investigating the Boston Marathon Bombing : Stratfor Tactical Analyst Paul Floyd discusses how investigators will use evidence to identify who was behind the April 15 Boston Marathon attack.

The Boston bombing was reason for the globalists to take more citizen rights. And that is exactly what they are doing. BHO is turning up the heat on the frog….They are going to make it a crime to delete ANY info from your phones or computers! They will say it’s “destroying evidence” and you will be thrown in prison!!! The police are going to search anyone they want at any time, including your phones or computers! If there is no data / texts on your phone, YOU WILL BE ARRESTED!!! Team Obama and his communists have been wanting a way to Militarize the local police departments and make it all one and the same…. so we are to have the final brick in place for the total police state..and who will be training them..Mossad of course, the most ruthless of the ruthless,same group that gave DHS their don’t hesitate targets of elderly, pregnant women and children…..do away with state sovereignty and apply the most evil federal police state…. Mass. should tell them, thanks but no thanks…and keep DHS out of it too….DHS is created for one purpose… to over ride the state by state police protection…….. I think the EVIL GLOBALIST SATANIC CABAL, has to start ARRESTING themselves for the crimes they are committing on HUMANITY, they want a NEW WORLD ORDER, and wont stop at anything till they get what they want,we have to start making our representatives who are in government we know whats going on,and to WAKE UP people about the DIRE STRAITS we are in,GOD BLESS AND PEACE TO ALL.

1 comment:

  1. alex there is in fact a tree stage chess board the question is not its existence but how it works, how you move the pieces, and it looks Obama, might not even know how it works, and perhaps neither the bilderberg group, however the 3 stage chess game does indeed exist.
