Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston Bomber Last message on Facebook to his Father : I have never done it , they set me up

Boston Bomber's Last message on Facebook to his Father - This will be the last message before the police will get me. I never done it, they set me up.I am sorry it has come to this


  1. Replies
    1. They have cameras everywhere. They can prove who planted the backpacks... and if the brothers fought or not the police, and if one was run over by a car or not( EVERY COP HAD A CAMERA ON THEIR HELMET).
      How can you LOOSE someone for almost a day, who is running away in a car, in a city with streets totaly emptied, being followed by 10,000 cops?

  2. There is a video of Suspect #1 handcuffed and climbing into the back of a squad car. He is totally naked, after being strip searched for explosives. He appears totally uninjured and compliant.

    Link Here:

    The next photo we see of Suspect #1 is his lifeless corpse in the hospital, riddled with bullet holes and a very large gash in his side.

    Link Here:

    How did Suspect #1 get from the compliant, uninjured, & naked arrest scene, which is recorded on video, to the bullet-riddled and knife-gouged corpse scene in the hospital, which is also on film???

    The police and/or feds who drove him from the arrest scene to the hospital must have tortured and killed him in the back of the "arrest vehicle" on the way to the hospital.

    1. hey anonymous, why don't you give us your name rather than be a grain of sand on a desert island...if you are so sure the whole world is conspiring against you, let us know with confidence who you are...otherwise, you are the moron who can't think for himself and sees the boogeyman behind every door.

    2. Am I seeing this correctly? A guy using the name "anonymous" is criticizing someone else for using the name "anonymous"?

    3. The nude man was a suspicious man that was in the area. He was unrelated to the incident and was released. Again people being so quick to jump to conspiracy theories.

    4. You couldn't be stupider. Analyze the footage: the naked guy was definitely Tsarnaev. You're being lied to. Your reflexive invocation of the moronic, forever contradictory police press conference information on this speaks volumes about your submissive, easily-programmed nature.

    5. To Anonymous 1: Anonymous 2 most likely believe Obama is a true christian and loves America as well. I agree with you, nothing this administration or this lame stream media says should be trusted. So many lies by BHO and his Chicago gang administration and the impotent reporting cause the skepticism growing in our country. Did anyone see the side suspect number 1? It appeared that they tried to "gut" him. When suspect #1 drove over him as lame stream media reported, it did not cause that gash! Anonymous 3 (only because I cannot figure out how to get my name accepted!)

    6. It's simple...
      The average idiot in America is too busy buying all the crap the TV gives them. They are too lazy to look at the reality of the situation. Their mush-brains cannot handle anything other than the spoon-fed whirled peas fed to them by the mainstream mouthpiece media.

    7. Nano - Quit blaming the Obama administration. Don't get me wrong. It goes way deeper than, and precedes, the Obama administration

    8. Well, good. One less Muslim Terrorist. I hope they tortured him before he died.

      - Bethlehem Rozario

    9. Well, good. One less Muslim Terrorist. I hope they tortured him before he died.

      - Bethlehem Rozario

    10. I completely agree with you bro,we propably have to just wait and see if the real truth leaks from somewhere.

    11. of course JewTube has pulled the video

  3. Really? You truly must be a fucking moron!!!!! He was engaged in a gun battle w police and was also run over by a vehicle his brother was driving! Stop jumping on the "government conspiracy" bandwagon and use your brains!

    1. really and you believe that why because they told you ?? the same way you believe it was them because the FBI holds up a picture of two guys with backpacks?? your a fu**ing imbecile and unfortunately there are millions of fuc*ing idiots who cant think for themselves...

    2. Lmao you should start using your brains and do your research! What makes u think u can trust everything the government says or what the media report? You are the brainwashed one, obviously its easier for you to just accept everything they say as true... its an easier pill to swallow then to face the true facts here, everyone lies, even those with power.

    3. The guy in the video is a friend of mine who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. They blurred the video

    4. How do you know he was run over by a car ? How do you know they are the bombers ? Because you were told ?

    5. Govt shill alert.
      The apprehension of these two stinks from beginning to end.

    6. The hospital states he had no injuries that would indicate he had been run over by any vehicle.

    7. i mean seriously, in this situation; why would you run over your own brother with a car? it doesn't make sense!

    8. I'll raise you an eye witness who says that she saw the police run over suspect #1 in a "Police SUV" and immediately shoot him after.

      I'd also like you to have a nice heart-to-heart with yourself and ask yourself who wanted you to see that slab photo of who-knows-who? A doctor who risked losing his job over it? Doubtful. And if it was the FBI or CIA who wanted you to see it....don't you think that's a bit odd?

    9. wake the fuck was a setup by FBI and they're investigating themselves!!!!!!!!!!.....soon everyone will wake up see wut ur so called govt reptiles are doing.

    10. Yes, and innocent people ask for forgiveness and apologize that it has come to this. Yah, right.

  4. Anonymous with all the live TV must have seen the shoot out, no doubt. The media never would lie about such facts...right? And Kool Aid Tastes Great!

  5. where's the evidence of the gun battle, douchebag?

    1. There were eye witnesses to the gun battle. People watching and hearing from their houses

  6. There is a photo od suspect #2 climbing out of the boat and then the next photo has him laying on the ground being intubated.

  7. The system works to protect itself and the link between media and state should never be under estimated. As my tutor used to say don't believe everything that you see because our eyes deceive us and our minds often accepts what it sees.

    1. Actually, it's usually the mind that does the deceiving -- it fills in the blanks as best it can in order to create reality. Sometimes it fills in the blanks incorrectly, or it attempts to solve without enough known variables. There are a LOT of unknown variables in this equation. The moment I saw that cadaver on that slab -- with the heart-massage hole in the side -- I wondered who it was who snapped that photo. Perhaps we're only meant to believe he's dead? Perhaps he was tortured to death? There are all sorts of possibilities that are plausible, *IF* that was the older brother being placed unharmed and naked into the police car.

  8. He was not being intubated, He had a nonrebreather face mask on, which means he was conscious, breathing on his own. guy being walked to police car was not one of the bombers but another guy that was later released.

    1. That's what you supposed to believe. Yes, we understand that much. But you have no proof.

    2. Proof?... Millions of people listened to the manhunt LIVE on Boston police radio and followed geotagged posted pictures from the public on Twitter and Reddit! You idiots who all think their is a cover up and we have been told different stories to the facts! All you have to do is follow what happened and you won't be making up ridiculous claims and conspiracies!

    3. Anonymous 2. Live on Boston radio? Remember when people listened to The War of the Worlds on radio? People believed that was real too. How come there are photos of the younger brother with his backpack on...after the bomb went off? There are also the group of men who look like some sort of soldiers. There are good photos of at least 2 of them, where they are wearing black shirts and jackets, sunglasses, earpieces, hat looks like walkie talkies or phones, and with backpacks on with a skull emblem on them. This skull emblem was used as the former Blackwater's insignia. There are other groups who use it too. Then there are photos of one of these men in black, running away from the scene, without a backpack. Supposedly the phrase "false flags," has seen a huge increase in browser searches, after the Boston marathon bombings. So at least more people are waking up to our government's BS. Hope someday you see things for how they truly are.

  9. I agree with anonymous they was setup..there ia no actual evidence of them doing nothing wrong our so calles gorevment is behind all of this

  10. CNN is making is own bullshit...filling time with non-sens

  11. Stop defending that b....

  12. Why cant yall see they was setup.they shot the youmg young one for no reason he did not shoot at them when he was hiding in that boat they was wantin him to die so he cant talk

    1. He shot himself as they approached. They wouldn't have rushed him to one of the best hospitals in the country if they didn't want him to survive.

    2. You can see on the video that he was shooting at them, doofus.

  13. I think we can and should all agree. The guy being visited by the FBI over the past few years initially after the request of a foreign government, would certainly have him on the radar. That being the case. How was he able to get away with any of what they are both accused of? Try explaining that one you cointelpro pricks.

    1. that's true clayton,this case seems extremely suspicious to me.they have no video or proper evidence of these guys that shows they actually have done it.and I also belive that the naked man in first video is older brother.something is wrong here.the other thing is if the younger brother was trying to kill himself he could easily do it...

  14. Woman calling into radio show saying first suspect was run over and shot BY police

    1. I would add that she says that he was run over by a "Police SUV". What we need to know is how she knows -- how she thinks she's certain -- it was a Police SUV. If she tells me she thinks it was because she remembers seeing big letters on the vehicle that said "Police", I will believe her. If she says she saw a uniformed cop come out of it afterward, I will believe her. But if she says she just assumed it was a police SUV for no good reason, then I don't believe her.


    One thing remains unclear though – how the young man could walk out of the boat he was hiding in already with a throat wound that he is now almost dying from.

    1. Evidence shows upon police approaching the boat the suspect attempted suicide by shooting himself. He wrote a suicide note on the inside of the boat tarp. They have plenty of unrealeased video of everything they did. One of the marathon victims IDed the second suspect as the one who placed a backpack by his feet which soon after exploded. But at a time when our country is reeling from a terrorist attack we should all turn against our own government. Ridiculous. If you lived in Boston you'd know every detail, maybe news coverage elsewhere wasn't as thorough.

    2. I don't have to live in Boston to know what was being talked about on the Police scanners through out the whole time frame. Anyone with a brain in their head would wonder why a "suspected terrorist" would bomb a bunch of marathon runners instead of bombing our Leaders, our Military bases, etc. HELLO???? This stinks of create a problem and take away more rights. You'd have to be a piss poor terrorist to just bomb a few runners in a race and not bomb something of significance.

  16. Wow, Anonmous has the worst case of multiple personality disorder I have ever seen!

  17. The suspect must have been carrying an arsenal on him, as well as having the foresight to bring a pen! So he was able to write his suicide note with it above his head with it on a slippery tarp with no light?

  18. It is a set up. You people need to wake up. The government has been killing innocent people saying that they were the bad guys. And you believe them because they said so, are you kidding me? All these tragedies you are going through are all set ups. The government is creating a diversion. Keep you focused on the tragedy at hand so they can be sneaky right under your noses. Did any of you know a bill was passed in the house of representatives CISPA it now will go to the senate then to Obama to sign into law. Your freedoms are being snatched from right under your noses. They are making it legal to invade your privacy on Facebook, e-mails, in any private company. They do it now but passing this bill will make it legal. Wake up people. Did any of you know that Bush Jr.,Clinton, Biden, Obama and many others were indicted on war, also this week. These were very news worthy events, they were BIG, never made it to CNN or any of the mainstream TV news. Just the New York Times had a piece. WAKE UP!

    1. Amen brother.

    2. I cannot believe the amount of gun fire that I heard (that night on the news) being shot at that boat, It could only be semi-automatic - 100 bullets. They knew by infared that he was laying down and barely moving. Where was the kids gun?

    3. Been saying this since the day after the bombings!!! There were TONS of BIG news the day after the bombings but we were all distracted.

      450 million in missile defense systems sent to Israel. Russia calling for increased internationa cooperation in the fight on Terrorism. Immigration Bill. CISPA. Just today our government bough 30 attack helicopters from Boeing for 1.2 billion dollars to send to South Korea!!! Can you imagine how that tax money could have helped the American people instead of going towards weapons of death!??? Who said people don't profit off war? Our government wants never-ending war so the people who fund the Military Industrial Complex can continue to get filthy stinking rich. 10 years later how many WMDs have we found in Iraq? ZERO!

  19. They were indicted on war crimes. It's almost 600 pages long. Why are there always the EXACT same drill going on, not far from the tragic event? Why were there Black Ops everywhere all with black duffle bags with the stripe on it? Why did CNN change their story all the time? First they caught a suspect and was in custody to not catching the guy.? Because there were pictures people were questioning them about, they had to change it. They won't let this young man they are accusing live, they can't. Just like they couldn't let anyone live at Waco.

  20. The kid is an Honor Student, he would never have his last message contain "I never done it".

    In such poor taste, I'm sure it was an uneducated dolt that "done it".

    1. Right - but prolly "I ain't never done it, can't get fooled again"

  21. Paul W from StamfordApril 21, 2013 at 8:02 PM

    Govt's lie. That's what they do. All politicians lie. They must. The exception proves the rule. Stalin was a politician. So were Bush, Clinton, etc... Hitler was a politician. So were Sharon, Netanyahoo, etc... Any human who still believes politicians after all these centuries deserves what's coming to him.

  22. Why would someone training to represent the United States in the Olympics engage in this useless act? What purpose did it serve? If this is supposed to be terrorism, then what was the political message? Why target the Boston marathon? Who benefits?

    This was so obviously contrived. I knew that the second I heard the news, waiting for the bimbo reading the TelePrompter to blame a Right Wing, Ron Paul-supporting, anti-government, conspiracy theorist prepper and KKK supporter with lifetime memberships to the NRA. It didn't take more than three minutes until the Bimbo started with those Talking Points.

    Many runners said they had never seen suck security anywhere in the world; a few said they thought about dropping out of the race because it looked like something was about to go down. The University of Alabama Track coach said he heard them say, "It's a drill! It's a drill!" before and after the explosions.

    I am not sure if it is okay to post a link in the comment section, but I want to recommend "Are you a believer, or do you think?" on Look at the photos of the crisis actors. Look at the before and after photos. Those photos show this was a staged operation. Look at the actors - the man with the hood and sunglasses, the man with no legs, the woman directing the staged events and suddenly a victim on the stretcher. It's mind-blowing and right in front of you.

    A conspiracy is simply two or more individuals engaged in the planning of a crime. The proof is right there - it is a conspiracy, not a theory. A group of people whose salaries are paid by the federal government committed a crime in broad daylight.

    Why didn't they set off the bomb when the first person crossed? Why set off a bomb that would kill so few people? Who benefits? Who wants to stir up trouble to justify wars? Who invests in wars? Who owns the stocks that will benefit from a police state? Follow the money.

    1. You are a certifiable wackjob. Please do not reproduce.

    2. And you are a shill because you (anonymous) have refused to address the inconsistencies and then immediately attacked someone's character in the lowest possible way to avoid dealing with reality - the FBIDHS framed the alleged Boston Bombers.

      I have an MA in International Relations with a concentration in strategic studies. I worked in Berlin with an intel group during the Cold War. I at leads have credential to talk about terrorism and false flags.

      Mr. Anonymous Shill: your bosses will turn on you, too You are expendable - don't forget that.

  23. I have a question to those who opposes anonymous theory. What is the motifs of the bomber? Anyone knows why? Did any official gave any reasonable explanation ? Why did they have to kill him ? Aren't they supposed to capture him live? If I were you, I should check into CISPA, and find out what it means for you.

  24. And whilst you guys are all arguing about whether or not the guys did it or didn't do (they did), whether they were set up by your government or not (possibly), whether the government is full of idiots or not (definitely), people are dying all over the world by policies implemented by governments all over the world who can get away with it because we are all looking the other way arguing about things. Turn back around and deal with the things you can change!

  25. Why did he write it in english?

  26. Proof?... Millions of people listened to the manhunt LIVE on Boston police radio and followed geo-tagged pictures from the public on Twitter and Reddit! You idiots who all think their is a cover up and we have been told different stories to the facts! All you have to do is follow what happened and you won't be making up ridiculous claims and conspiracies!

    1. Then if they listened to the manhunt live, they would have heard them tell the police they didn't do it.

      Listening to the manhunt live does not prove theta these kids had anything to do with it.

  27. he never had a facebook!...only twitter

  28. Hi

    I'm from Belfast Northern Ireland I could go on for days about how the people of Boston/USA helped fund the IRA In my country for years & how that money killed 100`s of people here(fact)
    USA lose 3 people in this outrageous act & its all over the news & you people still can't see the truth, these boys were puppets in the act whose strings are being pulled by forces of the evil elite, just like in my country where they helped separate my people...
    Don't let them separate your country into believers & nonbelievers, poor - working class or middle class etc you are 99% & can make a change to help stop this madness believe me you don't want to live with this sort of thing everyday!
    Please look at the big picture like who funds the terrorists as another poster said,
    Follow the money!
    Love Peace & Respect

  29. Monday will bring interesting news. Glenn Beck says he has damning evidence.... (again). We will see

  30. If there was a date of when that was posted , proof thats his real facebook, i'd believe this a little more.

  31. Mossad-op.
    What else have they done?
    9/11, US and Israel:

  32. Here is a blast from the past. "If you believe that two airplanes brought down the world trade center." You're officially brainwashed!

  33. It is clearly fake. Just look at the sentence "I never done it". It's a dead giveaway. Now give me my prize.

  34. Truth revealed?

  35. And while all of these things go on, we will all spend our time like religious zealots calling each-other fools and stupid ,debating over who is more right and who is more in the know and who is more of a zombie then the rest. Rather than uniting, entertaining a thought and possibilities and creating action or making an actual change in the world.

    At the end of the day the world is f****d up, but it is gonna stay that way if the people that care enough about the fate of our world to be interested in truth are to busy arguing over 'who's truth can beat up who's truth' even though we are ALL looking at these events threw the media controlled news and the snippets that fall threw the internet that are apparently more real than the news because the internet apparently is the well of all knowledge and understanding.

    Society is fracturing into isolated groups based on theory's that people cling to. Then these people criticise others for not sharing said view rather than uniting under the cause that everything is messed up. Practically all of us are helping the elite win by being to busy tearing at each-other to make a real difference.
