Saturday, April 20, 2013

Aunt Of Bombing Suspects Press Conference : IF FBI Has Evidence Why Would You Ask Me IF I BELIEVE?

"IF FBI Has Evidence Why Would You Ask Me IF I BELIEVE?" Aunt Of Bombing Suspects Press Conference

Do we have the following evidence that the two brothers actually did the bombing?
1. Picture or video of them placing their backpacks in exact areas of explosions.
2. Evidence of their same backpacks blown up with explosive residue on the backpacks?
3. Any proof that they made purchases of pressure cookers, metal scrapnal, gun powder, ignitors?
4. Specific communications by them of planning the event?
From a outsider, it looks that these two brothers were scared to death and were running for their lives because they were the main suspects without any specific charge or reason. All the public knew is what they saw on the FBI video and what was said that they were armed and dangerous.
The American public deserves more details and evidence, otherwise there will be more doubts and more distrust of Government.

1 comment:

  1. The Aunt knows what she's talking about! Of course no one wants to blame a family member for such a crime, but like she said-"Where's the evidence?" They have none, plain and simple. Thinking individuals KNOW that this was a SET-UP! The government has used the same "PLAY BOOK" for YEARS! My GOSH, BUY A CLUE!
