Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Was Hugo Chávez Killed By Weaponized Cancer?

The technology exists. The book Dr. Mary’s Monkeys by Edward Haslam explains how the US Government was trying to create a biological weapon back when Kennedy was president. Some radical right-wing elements were trying to create a biological weapon, cancer, in order to get rid of Fidel Castro. It all happened in New Orleans and, amazingly, it is all tied up to Lee Harvey Oswald being blamed for Kennedy’s assassination. The technology worked as it is explained in the book and it raises valid questions about the death of Jack Ruby, one of the key witnesses in the plot for ending the life of Kennedy for shooting Harvey Oswald before he could talk, and how Ruby was stricken by cancer while in jail and died before he could say much. Chavez may have been a little out of line when it comes to ideology, but he was right on regarding the fact that there is a world elite trying to control the world, through economic policies targeted to “help” developing countries, by enslaving them in debt to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, etc., all institutions and Governments which he opposed during his Administration. Even though I did not agree with him in all aspects of Government and ideology, it is sad for me to see that the champion for resistance to these powers has died.

1 comment:

  1. I suspect Chavez ate corn. Most corn has been genetically altered. If he ate a lot then he would definitely get cancer. No mystery there.
