Friday, March 8, 2013

U.S. Drone Strikes-Rand Paul, Sequester Hype, Latest on Syria and Iran

It must be ironic for John Kerry after running against George JR, he is now (as Secretary of State) continuing the Bush/Cheney strategy in the Mideast. The need to overthrow the legitimate regime in Syria is crucial for isolating and conquering Iran. Dangerous times ahead.

The President cannot kill Americans on U.S. soil with a drone attack. We finally got that refreshing answer from the Obama White House. Many more questions need to be asked about killing Americans abroad without charge or trial. The mandatory cuts for the so-called sequester have hit, and "surprise" the world did not end. Secretary of State says time is running out for Iran on its nuclear program, and Syria gets $60 million in cash to continue its civil war. Join Greg Hunter of as he gives his analysis of these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

1 comment:

  1. Don't trust anything Obama says. When he becomes dictator who's going to be there to question him. Few now even question him when he uses executive orders to give a pass to Illegals or puts us in a war in Libya.
