Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The War on the Second Amendment Has Only Just Begun

Cam Edwards talks to John Hinderaker

Corrupt gun grabbing politicians have done an excellent job brainwashing the public into believing that it is possible for a semi-auto weapon to be an assault rifle or assault weapon. This is completely opposite the original military definition of either an assault rifle or assault weapon. Politicians and limousine liberals want the public to connect 'assault' with semi-auto weapons on this matter so it would be easier to disarm the people. 'Assault' is inaccurate for any semi-auto firearm. We the mainstream US citizens must stand up for our rights in all corners of our nation. We must insist that our youth receives a balanced and unbiased education free from political extremism from the instructors. We must remove outside influence from our government. Silly liberals, paychecks are for workers.....we will keep our 2nd amendment.why don't they ban beer it kills more than gun's.they are lot's of things that kill more people than gun's.why are they not talking about any thing but guns.

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