Friday, March 1, 2013

Survivalism & Disaster Preparation with Mat Stein

Engineer, author and building contractor, Mat Stein talked about specific disaster scenarios and what we can do to prepare for them. One concern he cited is the danger from nuclear reactors, which could have power knocked out to them in the event of a strong solar storm (which happen around every 70 years). When the reactors' back-up power runs out, there could be multiple nuclear meltdowns, on the level of Fukushima and Chernobyl, he warned. So far, the US government has shown reluctance to spend the money on making the electrical grid less vulnerable.

He advocated that people be prepared to make it for a week or a month on their own, in the event of a disaster. Along with food, some type of water filtration system is crucial, he said, noting that water can actually be disinfected by leaving it in the sun. A head lamp can prove useful in a variety of situations, in which you may have to perform certain tasks in the dark, he said. Stein also suggested that people obtain a colloidal silver generator, as a solution made from this can successfully kill pathogens, and is like having a "pharmacy in a jar."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is old. He references the time of 8 months since Fukushima. That puts it in 2011 since Fukushima happened in March, 2011.

    See and

    The situation is indeed grim at Fukushima. The Japanese society if falling apart and the economy is tanking. These are the fruits of nuclear power. We need to shut all the reactors down and focus on renewable energy technologies.

    See the news of Fukushima at
