Tuesday, March 19, 2013

RED ALERT ~ Lethal Asteroid to hit North America in the Coming Weeks ?

The U.S. space agency is a decade behind in meeting a congressional mandate to detect meteors capable of destroying a city, and needs a telescope in space to improve tracking, the nation's top science officials said. NASA's leaders said most large asteroids that may trigger a global catastrophe have been found and tracked, and an impact within the next several centuries is unlikely. Smaller objects are harder to track, arrive more often and are less lethal.

My name is Raymond I am a scientist working for various astronomy departments around the world, both public sectors and private sectors. I am not a conspiracy theorist, i am not one of those convinced that `the moon landing was faked` or `2012 nibiru would hit earth`. I look at facts.
However, a few weeks ago,an asteroid 18 meters wide exploded 40 miles above a Russian town, do you know what it would have done if it hit earth? It would have killed many thousands. The shockwaves of the explosion were recorded across the world thousands of miles away. This isnt a theory or assumption these are facts.Now this is what we have seen. The asteroid was part of a large body of similar objects coming in from the asteroid belt. There is one which we have not detected until now, because a/ we could not determine its exact projected path and b/ we did not want to scare people.
Exactly 2 hours later the faxes came through from our U.S observatory.
This object, half a mile wide is heading for earth and will hit Canada or Mexico in the next 7 days. Exact time and day will be added here later. This will be an extinction level event. The blast itself will kill millions, and the rest of the living beings will be erased within a matter of motnhs
Even when i heard the news i did not believe it. I insisted on seeing a copy, and asked them to recalculate everything. The calculations were sadly correct.
So here i am, to tel you all that these final days are ones to be embraced. Tell the ones around you that you love them, pray to whichever God or higher faith you believe in. Please make ammends with enemies, and spread the love and warmth.
I am sorry. I really am.
Cosmic Ommmmmm
By: Teotonio Miguel Bouça


  1. Ah, don't worry. Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck are already in the shuttle prepping to go up there and blow the damn thing to Kingdom Come!

  2. Hope and pray NOT!!

    1. It may be a flag that some type missile headed here or since he still believes we landed on the moon he must be drinking lotta flouride in his koolade

  3. Thanks Raymond. Good thinking not giving out your last name so, in case it fails to arrive, you don't suffer any ridicule.

  4. I'm calling total BS on you....NOWHERE does it say anywhere else that this is going to happen. Where did u get this info from? I bet it's ur imaginary uncle working in NASA. Ur a fucktard who should stop being a troll and get a life. What good have u done by posting this false information? LOL...like anyone's ever going to believe you. Wake me up when this all over MSM. And I bet that's going to be a thousand years from now when I will have already died of old age.

  5. Damn, and and a couple of days ago you posted a video poking fun at the 9/11 truth movement with that Star Wars parody, now this bullshit! Sorry children, a giant meteor is not going to hit the Earth in the next seven days. Now go home and get a life!

  6. an asteroid poop is in my cr help it stinks For the Union

  7. I'm pretty sure this bozo was also calling 12/21/12 the BIG day....ur a LOSER...get a damn life!

  8. What a fool. Idiot.

  9. welp, this is day 7! nothing happening yet.. just like the rest of these "predictions"... o wells work tomorrow as usual.. no death and destruction today! :)
