Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pope Francis I is against Liberation Theology and Same-Sex Marriage

Pope Francis Led Effort Against Liberation Theology and Same-Sex Marriage

During the military dictatorship in Argentina, the new pope openly criticized liberation theology's combination of religious teachings and calls for social justice. His social conservative streak continued when he was elevated to cardinal in Argentina. In 2010, he called the Argentine government's legalization of gay marriage "an attempt to destroy God's plan" and opposed adoption by gay couples. We discuss Pope Francis' social conservativism with Ernesto Semán, a historian at New York University and former reporter for two Argentine newspapers, and with Argentine journalist Horacio Verbitsky. - in democracynow


  1. Are you people stupid? This so called pope is a scumbag and he is for everything that is horrible in the world.

  2. @ geoffreyfranklin: Your statement above is like I or anyone else but you would say to you: "Hey, you are the Satan and you are the origin of all the worst things and deeds in our world."

    Btw. - there is no pope named Francis I (i.e. the first)! It's only Francis.
