Friday, March 22, 2013

Pope Calls For One World Religion Mark of the Beast Antichrist Obama End of the World!

Pope Calls For One World Religion Mark of the Beast Antichrist Obama End of the World! Full speech in Israel by Obama

, A lot of dumb idiots will be lined up to get the mark of the beast., there is a chip in your passport, driver's license, license plate and is already everywhere, and in a ton of public schools in Texas it's a badge children have to have on at all time's to track them, One girl, only one stood up and said no, and was expelled she said she did not want to be part of the Antichrist system.


  1. Mark of the beast won't be any chip implanted or mark on your forehead. The mark of the beast will be whats in your forehead your BRAIN knowing that satan will be coming at the 6thSeal(knowledge) 6thTrump(Action)6thVail(Wrath of God) Rev. 12:6-12 when satan is cast from Heaven to the Earth appearing in the Holy Place(jerusalem) n will claim to be Jesus, that time may be sooner then you think you can feel it in the air that the stage is being set with all the confusion that is taking place. You need to visit ShepherdsChapel n give a listen to Pastor Murray might save you from the biggest deception thats coming to this world. Rel 13:3 after he heals the Deadly Wound(may be this coming banking crisis)to the one world government most everyone will wonder n worship the dragon except for those who know Fathers Truth locked in their Brain.

    1. you are wrong about what you are saying that chip will be the mark of the beast. I have listen to Pastor Murray he is leading you on the wrong path. the point of the mark that you have to choose dying for god or live on earth with satan and lose your soul. stop listening to people and read the bible...

  2. I'm curios what you think the hand then represents?
    Since it says hand or forehead.I've thought it might possibly be the Social Security number,since it is either in your head/memory or the card is in your hand.

  3. Mark refers to a mark if allegiance
    Head and hand is thoughts and actions
    Deadly wound was Vatican kicked out then reinstated early 1900s, the wound was healed
    Vatican is antichrist (in place if Christ)
    Rotfl at microchips theory

    1. Yes - numbskulls who don't know their history have forgotten 1,200 years of brutality, persecution & death brought on the world by the catholic church headed by the papacy. They invest all their ideas in a future anti-christ, an invention of the Jesuits, and forget the one that has existing since the 4th century.

      Anti-christ = vicar of christ, one who stand against or instead of christ. Go do your homework, and understand the Greek Nt.

  4. Anonymous-Perhaps you need to do your homework! Christians were fed to the lions centuries ago. Demons are still burning churches as I type this. As far as the Roman Catholic church is concerned, it is the church of Jesus. Unfortunately, Masons and Sodomites infiltrated the church during Vatican II, but nevertheless, Jesus will make it PURE again, and simple. And you can take that to THE BANK-(scratch that).

  5. The Word tells us that ALL who denies Christ has the Spirit or IS the AntiChrist. I agree that there wont be any Chip! The Mark is the Nature. Do you have the Nature of the Beast, or do You have the Nature (or allegiance to) of Christ/God? The mark on the forehead is thoughts and the hand is you everyday actions. I guess the question is: Do you fear the pope or do you fear(reverence) God? Shalom

  6. You have no idea whats going on in the churchs. The 7 Beasts have come and gone,and the 8 beast is already here, the mark of the beast is already on you. the church no longer follows the teaching of jesus Christ. I will leave you with this, its later than you think much of what is happening is not in plain view. Be ready for the return of Christ BE READY and good luck to you all

  7. What does the Bible say?

    The Bible teaches that these apostate Christian leaders are eventually
    going to succeed, at least temporarily. Their triumph will occur when
    the Antichrist forms his one world religion (Revelation 13:12).


  8. The mark of the beast, the name of the beast or the number of the beast. Which mark will people be deceived to receive that don't know Gods word has to do with WORSHIP.
