Saturday, March 2, 2013

Panic in the Streets Caused by the Sequester!

It is simply amazing that the first day of the sequester that was supposed to destroy the American economy. Gas prices fell and the stock market went up 100 points. Something is telling me what we are hearing from Washington DC amounts to what we call on the farm (BS)


  1. Nothings going to happen until the welfare moochers quit getting a free ride. They feel that it is a right as American citizens to get taken care of. Obama is thier Daddy. God help us all when he no longer can provide.

    1. The real moochers are the corporatists. people on welfare dont even compare to the welfare and tax deferments corporations and the 1% receive. you need to reset your perspective.

    2. Agree-- its the corpoatists. And they are more than 1% Maybe as much as 5%. Those who make more than a quarter of a million are not middle class as Romney said. They are the top 5%.
