Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Michelle Malkin: I Hope Hugo Chavez is Choking on Sulfur Rotting in Hell

3/6/13 - Sean Hannity Show : Michelle Malkin: "I Hope Hugo Chavez is Choking on Sulfur & Rotting in Hell"


  1. Chavez was well liked by the USA (Harper by default) until he demanded a fair share of the Oil money from USA Oil corporations that had devastated Lake Maracaibo. When the USA would not comply Chavez Nationalized the the Oil resources. The USA retaliated by placing an embargo on supplying military armaments to Venezuela. A now infamous Evangelist issued a call for Chavez to be assassinated, this was found to be a punishable crime even in the USA. But the President issued a stern warning to Chavez that he had better reverse his decision. Chavez answered by purchasing 300,000 AK-47 carbines from Russia and in a public speech to the people to ask what they wanted him to do, being frank about what the USA might do. They cried out Down with USA, and Chavez in a public display of defiance handed out an AK-47 to any citizen that came to the podium with opened hands. After that he was on the USA least popular list.

  2. Be careful what you wish for Mrs Malkin. You might be choking in sulfur and rotting in hell not him. Venezuelan people loved Chavez and your spouting ego did not get a hit this time.

  3. well how about freedom from sitting on the back seat of the bus Michele, and is sad that color folks hate each others kill each others and destroy each others, just like you are doing to your own ever a lady without a name is a servant of language sorry Michel same goes for MURDOCH your boss another Australian servant of the british empire. follow Michel jackson's way and them you know what a name is all about, sorry as well because only politicians can be treated with kind words even if they are savages, newswomen NO!

  4. Surprises me how many people actually take Fox seriously

  5. Oh, please spare us your praise of Chavez who was a despot!He robbed his own country blind and lived in wealth stolen from your wonderful nation.
    It is not President Bush who smells of sulfur, but your own late despot leader!
