Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Man Arrested For Carrying A Chainsaw - Police State UK

Lets arrest everyone using a car because they are potentially dangerous to the public! Or let's wait until a crime has been committed before we arrested people! Do not give them another pennyStop paying taxes until they ban the UN agenda 21,

If it's not right for a man to carry a chainsaw then it most certainly not right to carry firearms. These Police are self aggrandising, narcisistic, bullying meatheads with no rightful justification. I have no respect whatsoever for these jokers.


  1. The self righteousness of the policemen is telling....

  2. Just saw this on telly. I don't understand the justification for the police intervention here, and the commentary wasn't at all balanced. What was the outcome? I'd understand if the chainsaw was revving and he was waving it about. He had the cover on it!
