Saturday, March 9, 2013

Illuminati The Oklahoma City Bombing Bombing Exposed (2013)

We live in a world of shadow groups, public rituals, and massive mind control. Sometimes, we see, if only for a moment, behind the curtain of these spells. We see truth. One year before the OKC Bombing a very interesting book was published. Check this out!
It is sad that the USA government itself would be collaborating / conspiring to kill American citizens in order to advance a militarized police state, their obvious agenda, which continues to this day. I don't know what the reader / viewer might think of such people, but I consider them to be murderous traitors who have abrogated their oaths of office to protect the Constitution from enemies foreign & domestic. Such treason today is bipartisan

1 comment:

  1. The Last Jihad by Martin Keating shows a publish date of April 1, 1996. Almost a year AFTER the OKC bombing. Video fail
