Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hugo Chavez Legacy: He Was an Oppressive Tyrant!

On the Wednesday, March 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, guest host Mike Adams covers a number of important issues, including the death of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez.Chavez was a socialist going communist. He was getting rid of the church, openly practiced witchcraft, stole the money of the rich to make the poor officials rich and still oppressed the poor, the criminals had more freedom to create havoc, controlled the water and electricity. tyrants enslave their own people.he was a communist,took control of all resources.


  1. caribbean critic says:
    March 6, 2013 at 12:33 pm

    So Adams I am supposed to take your fascist ultra right neo-con bull shit as real. What a piece of work and bill of goods you are and are trying to sell. What I take from this article you are well embedded in the Matrix of American bull shit. I take it you were exercising your John Forbes Cohen(Kerry) right to be an American i.e. ( freaking bone head STUPID) We always though yanks were stupid and here you go and prove it beyond any reasonable doubt.

  2. Mike Adams has just shown his true colors. Another freak pretending to be a conservative. Socialism Capitalism, just different names for the same fascist style of government. the right and left wing of the same bird of prey. It’s not the ism that counts and causes mayhem it’s those engaged in control of the ism. Take Catholicism for example a message of peace and good will, completely corrupted by those turbulent priests that run it as a private money making machine and peadophile exchange ring. Mike you really do need to get your head straight and stick to medicine a subject you may possibly have a little knowledge about..

  3. Venezuela has more oil than the entire middle east , so why it is not as developed as Dubai for example ? come on guys you have to admit it communism is a disease and if you really think it is a great system please move to Cuba and tell us how great it is ....

    1. Problem is anyone who doesn't march to Washington/Tel Aviv's orders is labeled a communist or a terrorist.

      You ever been to Venezuela? I haven't... the only two pictures I have are painted by the Zionists (Gee, it's not as if they have political axes to grind), and reports from some biker friends who toured through there. Interestingly enough they indicated that overall it was a nice place with ultra-cheap gas. All things considered I'm a little more prone to believing people who have actually been there as opposed to a bunch of old Talmud thumping psychopaths who are basically out to grab the oil for the sake of lining their own pockets.

  4. NOT-NOT-NOT this is propaganda to get the people to OK a war there they want his oil and gold. I honk for Chavez.
