Sunday, March 10, 2013

Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control

Spying drones threaten US civil liberties: Gareth Porter , An analyst says the people pushing spy drones in the US with no accountability in their policy are a threat to the civil liberties or Americans. In the background of this several US states are pushing a Bill to restrict spy drones from spying on American citizens. Drones currently conduct surveillance on Americans and properties and seemingly with no accountability. In other countries the drone culture of Obama has advanced to the use of assassination drones currently in Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan. The US is not officially at war with any of these countries and Western mainstream media does an effective job of hiding the devastation and illegalities of these operations from their public. Figures show that civilians are the main targets or at least the main victims with 9 out of every 10 deaths said to be innocent men, women and children.

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