Monday, February 11, 2013

WW3 Report: NATO invades Africa, Israel Bombs Syria

While you were distracted, World War Three is starting.
According to the Associated Press this year the U.S. military will be deploying an army brigade code named the "Dagger Brigade" to Africa to operate in small teams in 35 countries. The Brigade will be under the direction of Gen. Carter Ham, head of the U.S. African command. The pretext given for this move is to quote "train countries to battle extremists and give the U.S. a ready and trained force to dispatch to Africa if crises requiring the U.S. military emerge". According to Gen Ham mobilizing those forces for active combat would only require an order from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

This announcement came as France began bombing missions in Mali early this year followed by the deployment of ground troops again under the pretext of fighting islamic terrorism. According to U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the US has been providing intelligence-gathering assistance to the French in Mali. U.K. special forces are also involved in the operation.

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