Friday, February 15, 2013

The Pope Resigned to Avoid Arrest !

The Pope quit to avoid arrest and the church is to be striped of wealth and assets!Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth

WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 13, 2013 TODAY ON THE PETE SANTILLI SHOW: Guest Bobby Powell: Bobby Powell is a United States Marine. He's not a "former Marine" or an "ex-Marine," when he dies he will be a decomposing Marine; but still a Marine. After serving as an 81mm mortar gunner deployed with the 3rd Marine Division in the Marine Corp, Bobby became a journalist and has worked as a City Editor for Scripps-Howard Newspapers, and as Entertainment Editor for the Fort Pierce/Port St. Lucie Tribune. Bobby was the evening news anchor for KVOR in Colorado Springs during Operation Desert Storm as well as an assignment reporter for the CBS Radio Network covering NORAD, Ft. Carson, and the U.S. Space Command at Peterson Air Force Base.

Now an independent investigative journalist, Bobby is the publisher and Editor-in-Chief of The Truth Is Viral, an alternative news program that has gained a reputation for in-depth interviews with everyone from the man on the street to CIA spies and officers serving with NATO. The Truth Is Viral focuses on publishing the truth about those stories that are spun, lied about, or simply ignored by the mainstream media. Bobby is a staunch Constitutionalist and defender of The Bill of Rights.

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