Saturday, February 2, 2013

Superbowl 2013 ~ Something is Coming - ESCAPING THE MATRIX

ESCAPING THE MATRIX (Something's Coming... Superbowl 2013) A one-stop-shop for all your 2013 SuperBowl satanic NWO, Obama, Dodgeball, Dark Knight, commercials... There's a lot of stuff out there concerning this upcoming month, but only God knows what is really about to happen, and you can be sure that it includes protection and rescue for those that belong to Him. For those that don't belong to Him-- God have mercy.You think you know this world? Boy are you in for a surprise. It seems that everything is indeed connected, but what does it all mean for us? Whilst it seems Hollywood is painting their own future and putting it into the minds of those who follow, only God really knows what is about to happen, so trust in Him and Him alone, and take from this video what you will. God bless you all. For those that don't yet know Him, may i suggest you do so soon. As batman would say... "things are heating up!"

Re-examing what it really means to be trapped inside the Matrix and seeing if the red pill is actually the right choice to make... or is it a trap? As always, I like to use trailers and symbols to help paint a story in ways that are unique and that people can understand. My wish is to tell a story, and i believe a picture says a thousand words. Instead of giving my opinion on things, I prefer to see how others interpret the things I see, not only in this series but in all the videos i make. Sometimes i just like to sit back, let the Holy Spirit take control and enjoy the ride He takes me on. So if this video inspires you, thank God and consider sharing with someone you know. God bless.


  1. What the HELL? I have noooooooooooooooo IDEA what I just watched!!! That's an hour of my life I'll never get back. Thanks (NOT)

  2. Skull & Bones 322 in the Dark Knight football scene. Lights went out at the 13:22 minute mark. Haven't heard about the face on back of Obama's head before? Couldn't make it out too well. Interesting Half Blood Prince connection. Have to look into this movie Olympus more.
