Saturday, February 16, 2013

Senator Elizabeth Warren EMBARRASSES Bank Regulators At First Hearing!

Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-Mass.) meeting with bank regulators Thursday left bankers reeling, after she questioned why regulators had not prosecuted a bank since the financial crisis...last time a financial company went to trial was the "Savings& Loan" trial and Bankers went to jail....that was in the 80's...these financial terrorist have actual blood on their hands... they would look good swinging lifelessly from a rope...go get em Liz!

warren bank hearing | Warren questioned top regulators from the alphabet soup that is the nation's financial regulatory structure: the FDIC, SEC, OCC, CFPB, CFTC, Fed and Treasury. Elizabeth Warren is the truth!!!! show your support

The Democratic senator from Massachusetts had a straightforward question for them: When was the last time you took a Wall Street bank to trial? It was a harder question than it seemed.

"We do not have to bring people to trial," Thomas Curry, head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, assured Warren, declaring that his agency had secured a large number of "consent orders," or settlements.

"I appreciate that you say you don't have to bring them to trial. My question is, when did you bring them to trial?" she responded.

"We have not had to do it as a practical matter to achieve our supervisory goals," Curry offered.

Warner turned to Elisse Walter, chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission, who said that the agency weighs how much it can extract from a bank without taking it to court against the cost of going to trial.

"I appreciate that. That's what everybody does," said Warren, a former Harvard law professor. "Can you identify the last time when you took the Wall Street banks to trial?"

"I will have to get back to you with specific information," Walter said as the audience tittered.

"There are district attorneys and United States attorneys out there every day squeezing ordinary citizens on sometimes very thin grounds and taking them to trial in order to make an example, as they put it. I'm really concerned that 'too big to fail' has become 'too big for trial,'" Warren said.

A Warren constituent, open-Internet activist Aaron Swartz, recently committed suicide after being hounded by federal prosecutors who reportedly said they wanted to "make an example" of him. Warren had met and said she admired Swartz and, after he died, expressed her concern by attending his memorial in Washington.

The financial regulators can blame, at least in part, Wall Street lobbyists (along with outgoing Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Senate Republicans) for their embarrassing turn at the hearing. Warren would have been on the panel herself representing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, instead of a sitting senator, if her nomination to head the agency hadn't been thwarted in 2011.


  1. THANK-YOU God!!! FINALLY, a person with enough GUTS to actually ask a legitimate question, and NONE of these DEMONS had a legitimate answer!MAN, I would have LOVE to have been there in person! Keep squeezing them Senator Warren!

  2. how about asking your colleagues why they passed laws that forced them to make home loans to people who didn't qualify, all in the name of being "fair?"

  3. Me thinks blonde woman with fake red heritage is in heap big trouble with the Progressive Establishment for attacking their base.

  4. please pass on to all

    Who do you work for????
    Go on my wall for more info.
    its up to you to save your children an yourselves, read you city's county's state's cafa1 report with family and friends save your freedom,,,

    s our government hiding trillions of American dollars ...
    Retired Commodity Trading Advisor will share how Federal, State, and Local Governments are hiding Trillion of Dollars of American Taxpayers Money. http ... - Cached
    .Play Video

  5. Armed Citizens Force Officials to Back Down

    A group of 160 citizens, many if not most of whom were armed, confronted government officials Tuesday who had attempted to have a wounded Army veteran kicked out of a meeting due to the fact that he carried a gun. The veteran has a state license for concealed carry, which means that he was carrying the gun to the meeting within the boundaries of the law.
    The story of the incident, which occurred at a city council meeting in Oak Harbor, Wash., made national news three weeks ago.
    But Tuesday evening the citizens of Oak Harbor, Wash. showed up to confront its city council and demand that the council rescind a local ordinance prohibiting guns from being carried on public property. The citizens also wished to show their support for Lucas Yonkman, the Army veteran who showed up at the previous meeting armed.

  6. Please address to

    the United states of America elected and public employes committees

    Thank you an god bless you for your kindness...

    **** Bombshell: *Rod Class gets FOURTH Administrative Ruling "Gov't Offices are Vacant"- All Gov't Officials are "Private Contractors"
    Submitted by The South on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 18:25
    Politics, General + Law(s)
    Yes, you read that correctly; it is true, and is now on the court record; black ink on white paper. Please read on:

    *****Rod Class has now received FOUR Administrative Rulings that prove what many of us have felt to be truth: What you think is government; what you think are legitimate Government Officials/Senators/Congressman/Policeman/Governors/Tax Collectors, etc. are nothing more than private contractors, extorting money from American Citizens and failing to pay off the public debt as they are instructed to do by the 1933 bankruptcy.

    What they have done is this:

    These people have switched places with the average American Citizen. They are enforcing their own Administrative codes, that are only meant for THEM, upon regular Citizens who are not being paid by the corporation. The supposed elected officials have hoodwinked the country into an employment position without pay. They themselves are taking public money to occupy government seats/positions/agencies, when they are nothing more than private contractors ... Felony!

    They are treating us as if we are paid government employees; enforcing their own internal rules-regulations-codes, and statutes on the average Citizen, as well as conveniently forgetting to send us our weekly/monthly government employment check.

    I've been preaching this for the last year + with no avail on this forum. Perhaps now, people will begin to listen and take action.

    In these radio shows, Rod explains his Administrative Rulings from the various Judges; explains the con, and shows you, where in their very own US Codes the above aforementioned information is spot on.

    There are a few shows you need to listen to, and here are some bullet points of those shows:

    1. All BAR attorneys are prohibited from representing John Q. Public; can only represent gov't officials and employees within their own agencies, their BAR Charter says so.

    2. Any Judge that prohibits you from representing yourself or hiring a defense other than a BAR attorney, are in fact, committing a felony on the bench in violation of the Taft-Hartly Act (running a closed union shop) and the Smith Act (overthrow of Constitutional form of Gov't)

    3. Anytime an BAR attorney represents someone in a case against you, you can now claim that person is incompetent; a ward of the state, with no standing to sue.

    4. Any and all tax collectors, police officers, sheriffs dept's, DOT, tag agencies, BAR attorneys, Judges, Highway Patrol, supposed elected officials, are nothing more than private contractors, who can now be brought up on fraud charges for impersonating a public official while receiving federal funding.

    5. Any and all home, vehicle, credit card loans are supposed to be discharged through the Treasury window, in compliance with the 1933 bankruptcy laws. These scumbags are double dipping and never discharging the debt like they are supposed to. They are embezzling the funds and pocketing them for themselves.

